140 books • 24 series
Book #2: Bermondsey Prosecco
Book #3: Bermondsey The Final Act
Book #4: Return To Bermondsey
Book #5: Bermondsey Pie and Mash
Book #16: 35 (Madras Presidency) Squadron
Book #18: 301 304 305 Polish Squadrons
Book #20: 57 Squadron
Book #1: Lilia of the Valley
Book #1: Serial Killer
Book #2: Blue COVER UP
Book #3: Driven To KILL
Book #1: Benjamin Forrest and the School at the End of the World
Book #2: Benjamin Forrest and the Bay of Paper Dragons
Book #3: Benjamin Forrest and the Lost City of the Ghouls
Book #4: Benjamin Forrest and the Curse of the Miscreants
Book #1: OMG Joe Warren
Book #1: 617 Squadron
Book #2: 103 Squadron