Series Synopsis
The Read + Play series of books help children nurture a lifelong love for reading and learning through the power of play. With each story, children are guided through various Read and Play elements to immerse them in the story world experience. Start your child on an enriching journey of learning with Read + Play today!

Story Synopsis
Something terrible has happened in Louisa’s sock drawer! One of the blue socks is all on its own. The old socks say that socks are only useful if they are in pairs. What will the blue sock do now?

Join the adventure as the socks try to find the missing blue sock and discover, to their surprise, that one is every bit as important as two.

Series Synopsis
The Read + Play series of books help children nurture a lifelong love for reading and learning through the power of play. With each story, children are guided through various Read and Play elements to immerse them in the story world experience. Start your child on an enriching journey of learning with Read + Play today!

Story Synopsis
When Natalie receives an ornament for her birthday,
she pushes the rest of her collection aside to make room for the new. Upset at losing their space, the old ornaments argue and jostle, leading to a catastrophe!

Join the ornaments on the shelf in this fun, rhyming story as they discover the importance of accepting others and welcoming those who are new.