Routledge Library Editions: Special Educational Needs
3 primary works
Book 3
First published in 1974. This book defines the slow learner, identifies the size of the problem presented by them, and outlines the responsibility of the ordinary school for their education. Then, successfully, characteristics of slow learners are reviewed and re-stated in a way relevant to their education; research on the post-school experience of slow learners is summarized and related to the curriculum; and general curriculum literature is reviewed in presenting a plan for the continuous development of curricula for slow learners, consistent with the modern approach to curriculum development.
Book 4
First published in 1979. This report discusses the existing practices of over 500 primary, secondary and special schools with their special needs pupils. The study outlines the variety of provisions, facilities and equipment in the schools, and the extent of use with slow learners. It maps out the curricular activities in many organisational contexts and across all subject areas, and discusses comparative strengths and weaknesses. It relates the findings to the problems of improving the quality of education offered to slow-learning pupils, suggesting areas where improvement is needed and outlining possible new approaches.
Book 5
First published in 1978. Reading for Slow Learners is a practical guide for teachers, defining the objectives of the reading curriculum, identifying important aspects of teaching method and suggesting various approaches. This title will also be of interest to parents of children with learning difficulties.