Daisy Diaz Shakes Up Camp

by Lisa Harkrader

Published 1 August 2009
When a new camper arrives at Camp Thundering Rock, she soon has the girls of the Chipmunk Cabin trading with everyone else, even the boys at Camp Whistling Wave.

The Best Mother's Day Ever

by Lisa Harkrader

Published 1 January 2010
The popular Social Studies Connects series links history, geography, civics and economics to kids’ daily lives. Featuring stories with diverse characters who face situations young readers can relate to, these books support reading and social studies skills including researching, inferring, comparing, and communication. An activity to stimulate curiosity about the world is included in each book!

Lucy wants to give her mom the best Mother’s Day ever. But all her ideas seem to end up in disaster—until Lucy’s friend Diego helps her cook up a special Mother’s Day surprise—Mexican-style! (Social Studies Topic: Culture/Similarities and Differences)