Book 1


by Kerry L Barger

Published 6 October 2010
You may have wondered who first penned the Bible and where its familiar stories originated. Some say much of it was written by Moses a thousand years before that. Others believe it to be a collection of tales told generation after generation around the campfires of nomads. Recently, scholars have uncovered another explanation---one that defies belief! The first intelligent life on earth may have arrived here from another world, according to the translators of some recently discovered 5,000 year-old texts. The fantastic notion was first documented by an individual claiming to be one of those original explorers who traveled to earth, genetically crafted the first humans, and guided the development of civilization. According to his own words, the author of a very ancient story was (in a very practical sense) our 'heavenly' father. His influence can be found in every major religion on earth today.