Last-Minute Bridegroom

by Linda Miles

Published 6 August 1999

Substitute groom?

When bride-to-be Natasha Merrill was left virtually at the altar, devil-may-care Chase Taggart offered her a surprising way out. She could face the embarrassment of canceling her society wedding or she could marry him!

In the heat of the moment it had all seemed so simple-a temporary marriage of convenience to keep the gossips at bay and Natasha's pride intact. But the day after the wedding, holed up in impossible romantic hotel in Paris with her new husband, Tasha discovered that even pretend marriages are for from simple....

His Girl Monday To Friday

by Linda Miles

Published 1 March 1999

The tycoon...

All Charles Mallory wants is a secretary who won't burst into tears at the first sign of trouble-and who won't make the mistake of falling in love with him. Unfortunately, the good-looking tycoon does seem to have a strange effect on his female staff. He needs an assistant who's Mallory-proof!

...and the temp!

His childhood friend Barbara seems perfect. Barbara knows him too well to ever make the mistake of falling for him. Only, working closely with Barbara is having a strange effect on Charles. Could it be that Charles is in danger of falling for the one secretary who's immune to his charms?


by Linda Miles

Published 10 January 1997

Rachel's wedding!

Rachel Hawkins has always wanted to be glamorous. She wants to wear designer suits, paint her nails and work for a dynamic, demanding man who might just fall in love with her. When she gets herself a job as Grant Mallett's secretary, she thinks her dream can come true. She has the suit, the job-now all she needs is her boss! Only, he's already lined up another bride....

In Rachel's opinion, almost anyone is better than the cool, blond, snobbish Olivia. More specifically, Rachel is better! The only trouble is convincing the groom....