
by Angela Royston

Published 27 March 2006
Who makes bicycles? What is a bicycle made from? How does a bicycle reach a store? This book shows how raw materials are put together to make a bicycle.


by Angela Royston

Published 22 March 2006
Who makes books? What is a book made from? How does a book reach a store? This book shows how raw materials are put together to make a book.


by Angela Royston

Published 22 March 2006
Who makes pencils? What is a pencil made from? How does a pencil reach a store? This book shows how raw materials are put together to make a pencil.

How Is a Pencil Made?

by Angela Royston

Published 25 April 2005

How Is a Bicycle Made?

by Angela Royston

Published 25 April 2005

How Is Chocolate Made?

by Angela Royston

Published 25 April 2005

Simple introductions to how some of the most familiar manufactured goods are designed, produced and distributed: Series focuses on everyday items and covers a range of natural and man-made materials.


by Angela Royston

Published 22 March 2006
Who makes soccer balls? What is a soccer ball made from? How does a soccer ball reach a store? This book shows how raw materials are put together to make a soccer ball.


by Angela Royston

Published 22 March 2006
Who makes chocolate? What is chocolate made from? How does chocolate reach a store? This book shows how raw materials are put together to make chocolate.

It’s fun to kick a soccer ball and to score goals. Soccer balls are made in a special way so that you can kick them fast and straight.

What’s in chocolate? Chocolate tastes good and contains some of the things your body needs. Be careful not eat too much chocolate though – too much chocolate is unhealthy. Milk chocolate is made from special beans called cocoa beans. The beans are processed and mixed with milk and sugar.

What’s in a pencil? We use pencils for writing and for drawing. This pencil has a rubber at one end. You can use it to rub out any mistakes. A pencil is made of different materials. The outside is made of wood or plastic. Some of the materials in this pencil came from the other side of the world!

How are things made? looks at how some of the most familiar manufactured goods are produced. Each title explores all aspects of how the product is made - from design through to the materials used in its production, and even shipping and distribution. The series covers a range of natural and man-made materials from different origins and focuses on everyday materials that children will have come across.

What’s in a bicycle? Who makes bicycles? Find out in this informative title.