The Value of Honesty

by Spencer Johnson

Published 1 July 1985
A biography of the Chinese philosopher and teacher emphasizing his ideas about the value of honesty.

The Value of Courage

by Spencer Johnson

Published 1 May 1977
A biography, stressing the courage, of the first black player in professional baseball.

The Value of Saving

by Spencer Johnson

Published 1 July 1978
A brief biography of the outstanding 18th-century printer, inventor, and statesman, emphasizing the value of saving in his life.

The Value of Understanding

by Spencer Johnson

Published 1 January 1990
A biography, stressing the understanding and tolerance, of an anthropologist who did extensive studies of primitive cultures.

The Value of Curiosity

by Spencer Johnson

Published 1 July 1985
Demonstrates the value of curiosity in the life of Christopher Columbus.

A biography of the nineteenth-century English novelist, Charles Dickens, emphasizing the value of an imaginative mind.