Book 1

The Sire Sheaf

by Russ L Howard

Published 5 April 2018

FIVE HUNDRED YEARS INTO THE FUTURE America is a very different place. Civilization has collapsed under a barrage of burning stars and earth-changes that have leveled the cities of the World. Social upheavals and ethnic cleansing have given rise to two diametrically opposed cultures, one built on the goal of total acquisition through aggression, the other founded on ensuring the health and welfare of a free-society.

Sur Sceaf's sole intent is to fulfill his Commission by uniting three disparate tribes in fending off an oppressive Trans-Human Empire that has no challengers. He is not seeking a wife when he runs into the daughter of Chief Onamingo, whose approval is essential to the union of the Free Peoples, yet, he finds himself embroiled in a jealous conflict with her ex-lover that could threaten the alliance.

Can Sur Sceaf overcome the prejudices of the various tribes to unite them under one confederation or have the tentacles of the Empire spread so far that it is impossible?
This book sets the foundation for the Great War to come, a struggle wrought with dangers of inhuman proportions. The conflict will cross over the barriers of this world and clash with other entities and times. Welcome to a heathen feast.

Book 2

The Frightful Dance

by Russ L Howard

Published 25 May 2018

Sur Sceaf has endured the pit and the fires of torture. Beaten upon the anvils of the gods, he has emerged the tempered leader of the trek. His leadership is disputed by a band of pernicious religious zealots practicing their outdated and repressive priestcrafts. Sur Sceaf finds himself in the tenuous position of leaving the Quailor to solve their own problems or giving them a long overdue shove in the right direction by making interventions. Fromer and his self-righteous clan of dycons are determined to sabotage Sur Sceaf’s success, even at the cost of many lives. Sur Sceaf is perpetually pitted against the will of these treacherous men, all the while he must lead an exodus and prepare for war. He has to walk the tight rope that spans the several cultures. Leaning too far to one side could see his alliance topple. Though the times are perilous, Sur Sceaf cannot ignore his feelings of love. The fiery spirited Sharaka, Taneshewa, is ever more taken by Sur Sceaf’s bold advances. However, she is hard-pressed to overcome her prejudices toward his peculiar Herewardi traditions. Like strings on a lyre, tension tunes discord into harmony. The Herewardi, Quailor, and Sharaka are caught up together into the music of the Frightful Dance.

Book 3

Witan Jewell

by Russ L Howard

Published 1 December 2017

Fire meets Ice in the forest stronghold of Witan Jewell, where Lord Sur Sceaf and the three tribes sojourn. Their joining together should give them the best chance of warding off the evil Empire of Hryre Seath. Witan Jewell is the forge in which the three tribes will be smelted. Not only must Sur Sceaf struggle to understand his tumultuous love for Taneshewa, but he is constantly beset by fractious religious leaders among those at Witan Jewell, and raiding parties of Pitter rat-packs who seek to derail the uniting of the tribes The Pitter Empire looms like a giant poised to devour the budding nation in its infancy. A vast city fortress must be built to dam further Pitter encroachment. When tensions are high, Sur Sceaf delivers his stewardship of Witan Jewell to the High King Sur Spear and leaves to the west coast to found a whaling enterprise which will fund a workforce. Many centuries have passed since man engaged the Great Deep. Many fear that Sur Sceaf is leading the most valiant men into certain death. If he should fail, humanity shall surely drown amidst the waves of dark forces battering at the borders of civilization.

Book 4

The Isle of Ilkchild

by Russ L Howard

Published 1 June 2019

The trials and dangers of sea-travel have forged the men of three tribes into a firm brotherhood, foreshadowing the final melding of the allied peoples. Landing their boats upon an island’s shore, they gather around a council fire and name themselves the Syrfolk.

The isle has its attractions, natural fortification, mineral wealth and vegetative exuberance. This could be the sanctuary and final stronghold the Syrfolk desire. However, monsters, trolls, and strange tribes make the island difficult to subdue. The Young-Bloods find their share of trouble in the myriad caves and peoples of the new land but unbeknownst to them, these are the least of their worries.

The Pitters, having heard news of sea-travel, attempt a counter launch to thwart the endeavors of the Herewardi and their allies. The race for settling the Isle as a strategic asset is on. King Sur Spear hurries the process by sending droves of settlers to build and fortify the Island.

While Sur Sceaf is away at sea, traitors at home on the mainland conspire to murder him. No one in his family is safe.

Book 5

The Bok of Syr Folk

by Russ L Howard

Published 10 February 2019

Now that the Syr Folk have solidified their union, the strange Island tribes present to them a new set of problems. The isolated Chartreusean and Cerulean peoples cannot comprehend the cruelty and depravity of the boding Pitter invasion. To guarantee their safety on the Isle of Ilkchild, the Syr Folk shadow leaders, Elf Beard and Mendaka, must enlist the support of the island’s inhabitants, whose refusal to allow fortifications to be built on their lands puts everyone’s lives in jeopardy.

While Sur Sceaf expends his energy building an impenetrable fortress and setting the foundation of the new Syr Folk Government, the Young Bloods are anxiously lobbying for the new tribes to join the Confederation. One misdeed by the zealous Herewardi youth, Ilkchild, may destroy the trust of the entire Chartreusean Nation.

Keeping everyone on their best behavior seems an impossible task when power, love, and jealousy clash, threatening to bring all peace on the island to an end. Will the Syr Folk find the aborigines of the Isle of Ilkchild to be worthy allies or will the passion of the Young Bloods create a whole new set of enemies?

Book 6

The King-Queen

by Russ L Howard

Published 2 May 2019

Many storylines converge in the fifth book of The King of Three Bloods. Civilizations continue to be erected in the new lands. The Pitters have overrun the known world, save only the Isle of Ilkchild and a few other strongholds. The Skull Worm, the right hand to the Pitter Emperor, is set to release a torrent of elite mercenaries upon the Island.

Lord Arundel, the Son of the High King Sur Sceaf and Heir Apparent of the Herewardi Throne, is commissioned to reach a treaty with the young and powerful Ele-Anorian Queen, Zschamillah. Their love draws them to one another but moral differences force their peoples apart, mitigating the possibility of an alliance that is necessary. If the Chartreuseans are to survive the invasion of the ruthless Pitter Commissar, they must overcome centuries of engrained beliefs.

In Godesselle, King Sur Sceaf struggles with the governing body known as the Council of Women, who wish to seize Zschamillah's military assets by force. He does his best to buy the Young Prince Arundel time for a mission of diplomacy, but battles are erupting all over the Isle and without the Stronghold of Ele-Anor-Ness, the hopes of the Isle being a sanctuary will collapse.

Traitors reveal cracks in the Syr Folk's defenses, giving the Pitters a chance at victory. Herewardi heroes will die and Ilkchild's transgressions will require a costly atonement, for the Gods will not suffer themselves to be mocked.

Blood will soak the land.

Book 7

The Scynscatha

by Russ L Howard

Published 14 October 2019

The Chakal is called the Skinwalker. Slaughtering and raping the Free Folk, his evil smothers the Isle like a flood. When the darkness and depravity seem deepest, a lost friend of the Herewardi returns in the form of the Woondigo. Will his knowledge and skill be enough to overcome the mighty force of evil that is the Chakal?

To complicate matters, an elite Legion of Vardropi Warriors joins the forces of the Skull Worm. Lord Arundel alone knows the terrain well enough to lead an army against this powerful enemy. However, circumstances conspire against him fulfilling his duties as Commander. He is torn between an obligation to his people and the lives of those he holds most dear. For the first time he questions King Sur Sceaf’s wisdom. If he rebels, the enemy will overrun the key strategic stronghold of the Island and jeopardize all previous gains.

Every person’s wits and strength are needed to defeat the enemy. The women of the Isle, though steeped deeply in grief, take up arms to defend what is sacred, forming the warrior band of the Lady Knights. With every ally joined against the Pitter and Vardropi forces, the Syr Folk sense a chance for freedom to burst forth to victory. Unbeknownst to them, there is a third evil lurking in the jungles to the north.

Book 8


by Russ L Howard

Published 14 September 2020

Initiating the Great War on the mainland, fierce, bold, beautiful Brekka, the king’s daughter, and foremost of the Lady Knights, draws first blood. She joins with the Half-King Kanarus to cut their way through enemy Zongas, overcome battles with horrific beasts, and slay scientifically engineered trans-human monstrosities. In alignment with Brekka’s mission, Arundel engages in a strategic conflict to wrench back ancestral Herewardi Lands from the sinister Pitter Commissars of Taxus. The Jywdic Pirate, El Yid, comes to Arundel’s aide and shows his cunning at sea by besieging the Port of Elves’ Island and establishing a naval base in Taxus for the Syrfolk.

Khem, at first believed to be one of few black survivors of the racial and ethnic conflicts, has loved Sur Sceaf as a father and loyally fought for the Syrfolk cause. He learns that many of his race have survived in the Southlands of Panygyrus. Khem along with the Dog-Soldiers bravely enter the Swamplands to destroy a concentration camp, wherein the Pitters are holding many people enslaved. This is Khem’s only chance to save his people from genocide and castrated servitude.

Is the Black Race doomed to extinction like so many of the others? After so many onslaughts, can Brekka overcome the Blind-Seer Katus and his Dark Elves? The final judgment will be pronounced at the Battle of Big Springs, where all the Dark Forces converge to blot out the Syr Folk.

Book 9

El Yid

by Russ L Howard

Published 31 March 2020

Tall, handsome, swashbuckling, Jywdic pirate El Yid is a black masked, caped warrior who runs his fleet of dragoons up and down the seaboards, plundering the enemies' Zongas and goods to prepare the soil for the coming overthrow of tyranny.

Trained in seamanship by Pyrsyrus, master of the seas, Yid is unmatched in his skills of sword, rapier, and parkour. Watch as he swings from the mast of his dragoon onto the terrified vessels of his Pitter enemies. Yid and his men, the Lions of Jywdah, show their prowess and love for liberty as they turn the tide of the Great War for good.

Meanwhile, Arundel is entrenched with the Pitters in their capital of Gettisbuhr. Brekka marches from the north, joined by a group of shamanic warriors called the Mufsics, the Sons of Death. Do these new allies hold the magic that can reach Death's hand into the heart of Pitter power?

The Pitters are not defenseless. They have their own secret weapons. Read and see what happens when the mouth of hell opens and belches forth its muscular monsters and winged eaters of the skies.

Book 10

The Evil Ennead

by Russ L Howard

Published 31 August 2020

Nine Commissars compose the evil Ennead of Pitterdom. Next in power to the Emperor Hryre Seath and the Blind Seer Katus are the Nine Workers of Iniquity, chosen by the Emperor to push the boundaries of the Empire and force all freedom loving people into the yoke of tyranny.

Their cruelty is unexcelled, their loyalty unshakeable. They are bent on crushing all enemies of the Emperor and destroying the prophesied “Seed of the Woman.” They have endless Legions and an impenetrable bastion. They have horrid monsters at their disposal, werebats, gyrlocks, drogs, and bone crushing typhons. Who is the Seed of the Woman and will she truly possess the power to bring down an entire Empire? Ruhm’s cavalry is indispensable for the campaign to defeat the Ennead. If successful, they will pave the way for Sur Sceaf to deliver his armies safely into the core of enemy territory. But Ruhm’s rakish behavior puts certain ladies’ honor into question, stirring up the wrath of the local militia-men, who seek a pound of his flesh in payment. The Gods will prove Ruhm. Only the seductive Mountain Witch has the power to save him.

These are the final days of the Great War. The future of humanity depends on the defeat of Hryre Seath and the Evil Ennead.

Book 11

Rebirth of the Elven Gods

by Russ L Howard

Published 30 November 2020

This is the final installment of the heroic eleven book epic, The King of Three Bloods.

Many people thought the Heathen Gods were dead. They were not! They were hidden in plain-sight and the Herewardi Tribe was chosen to reveal them and their return. Sur Sceaf, their favorite son, was tried as fine steel, and brought before the hosts of mankind as their champion to do battle with the enemy of all humanity, the Pitter Empire. Now, those around him must also receive their vetting from the gods.

Overlaying every struggle are the immense spiritual conflicts flowing under them like a great river. The final battles entail the struggle between the gods and their enemies, the Dark Elves and the Destroyers of Worlds. Now that the evil empire is crushed, interpersonal struggle takes center stage. Emotional voids and spiritual lack must be filled.

The young bloods are full of angst, anxious to match their predecessors in heroism. Their curiosity opens a new world of adventures, when they dare to wonder: "What lies beyond the Aegirean Sea?"

May every people and nation be granted sovereignty under the Syr Folk Confederation and every race granted its inheritance and personal domain.