Jamal Jealousaurus

by Brian Moses

Published 11 April 2013

Gracie Grumposaurus is a very grumpy dinosaur. From first thing in the morning until last thing at night, Gracie is a grump! Her parents try everything to cheer her up, but nothing works. Will anything make her smile?

If you've got a child who's feeling sad or struggles with bad moods, this book will surely cheer them up.

Written by Brian Moses, this funny picture book explores different things that might make children grumpy and sad, such as getting up early, not getting their favourite food or being bored. Different ways of dealing with these situations are explored, helping children to understand that it's okay to be grumpy, but that they shouldn't take their feelings out on other people - and that there are strategies to help you come out of a 'grump'.

The clever and funny illustrations, by internationally renowned illustrator Mike Gordon, bring a light touch to the story, helping children to learn about their feelings in a fun and light-hearted way.

Includes excellent notes for parents and teachers on how to share this book to help children learn about their feelings and emotions.

Other books by Brian Moses and Mike Gordon:
I Feel Frightened
I Feel Angry
I Feel Jealous
I Feel Sad
It's Not Fair
I Feel Bullied
William Worrydactyl
Samuel Scaredosaurus
Jamal Jealousaurus
Anna Angrysaurus
Sophie Shyosaurus

William Worrydactyl

by Brian Moses

Published 10 January 2013
William Worrysaurus was a little dinosaur with big worries. He worried every day about everything, from being scared of the dark to not being as good as his friends. Will he ever be able to stop worrying? Written by Brian Moses, this humorous picture book explores different things that children might worry about, from sleeping in the dark to going to school. Ways of dealing with these fears are then set out showing that there are ways to cope with these, sometimes overwhelming, emotions. The clever and funny illustrations, by internationally renowned illustrator, Mike Gordon, bring a light-touch to these stories, helping children to learn about their feelings in a fun and light-hearted way. Excellent notes for parents and teachers at the back of this books show how to approach these issues with children. Other books by Brian Moses and Mike Gordon: I Feel Frightened; I Feel Angry; I Feel Jealous; I Feel Sad; It's Not Fair; I Feel Bullied; Samuel Scaredosaurus; Gracie Grumposaurus; Jamal Jealousaurus; Anna Angrysaurus; Sophie Shyosaurus.

Anna Angrysaurus

by Brian Moses

Published 11 April 2013

Jayden Jealousaurus

by Brian Moses

Published 1 February 2014

William Worrydactyl

by Brian Moses

Published 1 February 2014

Samuel Scaredosaurus

by Brian Moses

Published 1 February 2014

Gracie Grumposaurus

by Brian Moses

Published 10 January 2013
Gracie Grumposaurus was a very grumpy dinosaur. From first thing in the morning until last thing at night, Gracie was a grump. Her parents tried everything to cheer her up, but nothing worked. Would anything make her smile? If you've got a child who's even a little bit grumpy, this book will surely cheer them up. Includes notes for parents and teachers on how to share this book to help children learn about their feelings and emotions.

Sophie Shyosaurus

by Brian Moses

Published 25 April 2013
Sophie Shyosaurus was a very shy dinosaur. She got embarrassed at parties, when she met someone new, or if she had to stand up and talk in school. Will she ever be able to stop being shy? A perfect book to share with children to show that it's okay to be shy, but that there are ways of coping with these feelings. Includes notes for parents and teachers on how to share this book to help children learn about their emotions.

Sophie Shyosaurus

by Brian Moses

Published 1 February 2014

Samuel Scaredosaurus

by Brian Moses

Published 25 April 2013

Samuel Scaredosaurus was scared of lots of things. He was scared of spiders, strange noises, dark shadows and being left on his own. Would he ever be able to face his fears?

Written by Brian Moses, this humorous picture book explores different things that might scare children, for example shadows and noises in the dark, being lost, bullies, fairground rides, going to school and heights. Different ways of dealing with these fears are then set out showing that there are ways to cope with these, sometimes overwhelming, emotions.

The clever and funny illustrations, by internationally renowned illustrator, Mike Gordon, bring a light-touch to these stories, helping children to learn about their feelings in a fun and light-hearted way.

Excellent notes for parents and teachers at the back of this book show how to approach these issues with children.

Other books by Brian Moses and Mike Gordon: I Feel Frightened; I Feel Angry; I Feel Jealous; I Feel Sad; It's Not Fair; I Feel Bullied; William Worrydactyl; Gracie Grumposaurus; Jamal Jealousaurus; Anna Angrysaurus; Sophie Shyosaurus.

Anna Angrysaurus

by Brian Moses

Published 11 April 2013

Anna Angrysaurus is a very angry dinosaur. She gets cross when her brother beats her at games, or when she can't watch what she wants on television. She roars, howls and stamps her feet. Will she ever be able to keep calm?

Written by Brian Moses, this funny picture book explores different things that might make young children frustrated at home or at school, such as sibling jealousy, not being allowed to do what they like, or even feeling grumpy for no reason at all. Different ways of dealing with anger and avoiding tantrums are then set out.

The clever and funny illustrations, by internationally renowned illustrator, Mike Gordon, bring a light touch to these stories, helping children to learn about and manage their emotions in a fun and lighthearted way.

Excellent notes for parents and teachers at the back of these books show how to approach these issues with children.

Other books by Brian Moses and Mike Gordon: I Feel Frightened; I Feel Angry; I Feel Jealous; I Feel Sad; It's Not Fair; I Feel Bullied; William Worrydactyl; Gracie Grumposaurus; Jamal Jealousaurus; Samuel Scaredosaurus; Sophie Shyosaurus.