The Mill at Philipsburg Manor, Upper Mills, and a Brief History of Milling
by Charles Howell and Allan Keller
Unit Operations in Food Processing (Advances in the Biosciences)
by R.L. Earle
Mikroorganismen sind eine wichtige Hilfe bei der Herstellung von Industriechemikalien, Lebensmittelprodukten, Brennmaterialien und Arzneimitteln durch Fermentation (Kultivierung). Obwohl dieser grundlegende Prozess bereits seit vielen tausend Jahren genutzt wird, sind in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten immense Fortschritte in der Technologie der Fermentation gemacht worden und eine Vielfalt neuer und verbesserter Produkte hergestellt worden. Das vorliegende Buch gibt eine vollstandige, aktuelle Ein...
This reference is designed to meet the practical needs of winery personnel working in the areas of micobiological surveillance and quality control. It addresses "real world" problems, such as the identification and enumeration of micro-organisms and their impact on production and stability. For each topic, discussions provide the necessary background information and detailed, step-by-step laboratory procedures. The author also discusses the interpretation of results (including relevant statistic...
Food Biotechnology (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, #111)
The use of fermentation in food processing was originally developed as amethodforpreserving foodandhasprobablybeen practisedsince mankind has been living in settlements. Nowadays food biotechnology involves a lot more than simply preventing spoilage and ranges from improving salub- ousness, improving texture to enriching foodstuffs with substances that are favourable to health and well-being and the prevention of illness. The basic principle of fermentation is mostly to exploit the metabolism of...
Biotechnology of Aroma Compounds (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, #55)
Discussing the biotechnology of aroma compounds, this work includes coverage of: enzymes and flavour biotechnology; glycoconjugated aroma compounds - occurence, role and biotechnological transformation; and prospects for the bioengineering of isoprenoid biosynthesis.
Guru to a new generation of chefs from Chicago to Copenhagen, Spain's Ferran Adri as been featured on Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of our times and touted by the press as an alchemist and a genius. His restaurant, El Bulli, was ranked first on Restaurant Magazine's Top 50 list in 2006, 2007, and 2008, and has retained thi
Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry
by Lea R. Dopson and David K Hayes
Though not all hospitality students want to be accountants, managerial accounting is a crucial skill for all hospitality students. Written for aspiring hospitality managers rather than accountants, this resource focuses on how accounting principles apply directly to hospitality management. With a reader-friendly style suitable for those with no prior accounting background, this book makes accounting fun with practical examples scattered throughout each chapter that clearly illustrate accounting...
Die wirtschaftlichen und politischen Strukturen in Europa sind durch einen fortschreitenden Integrationsprozess gekennzeichnet. Ob sich diese Internationalisierungstendenz auch im Ernahrungsverhalten der Europaer manifestiert, ist die zentrale Frage dieser Studie. Beispielhaft ausgewahlt wurden die vier bevolkerungsreichen Lander Deutschland, Frankreich, Grossbritannien und Spanien. Ausgehend von den historischen Nationalkuchen in den zwanziger Jahren werden die Veranderungen bis zum jetzigen Ze...
Food, People and Society
A unique insight into the decision-making and food consumption of the European consumer. The volume is essential reading for those involved in product development, market research and consumer science in food and agro industries and academic research. It brings together experts from different disciplines in order to address the fundamental issues related to predicting food choice, consumer behavior and societal trust in quality and safety regulatory systems. The importance of the social and psyc...
Small Pelagic Fish Utilization (Technical Papers, #153)
Basic Food Hygiene Certificate
Professional Chef 8e+lynch/Book of Yields 7e+lynch/Book of Yields 7e CD-ROM Set
Brewing Fermentation and Yeast Biotechnology
by Christopher Boulton and David Quain
This unique volume provides a definitive overview of modern and traditional brewing fermentation. Written by two experts with unrivalled experience from years with a leading international brewer, coverage includes all aspects of brewing fermentation, together with the biochemistry, physiology and genetics of brewers' yeast. "Brewing Yeast and Fermentation" is unique in that brewing fermentation and yeast biotechnology are covered in detail from a commercial perspective. Now, available for the fi...
Developments in the production, distribution, and retailing of food during the last 40 years have facilitated a major change in our lifestyle. Chilled foods represent a larger and increasing proportion of weekly purchases for home consumption as well as in institutional and service catering. Their safety and reliability are of utmost importance. With basic information on packaging, safe process design, and cleaning and disinfecting, Chilled Foods: A Comprehensive Guide, Second Edition addresses...
A comprehensive guide, offering a toxicological approach to food forensics, that reviews the legal, economic, and biological issues of food fraud Food Forensics and Toxicology offers an introduction and examination of forensics as applied to food and foodstuffs. The author puts the focus on food adulteration and food fraud investigation. The text combines the legal/economic issues of food fraud with the biological and health impacts of consuming adulterated food. Comprehensive in scope, the book...
Disrupting Improvised Explosive Device Terror Campaigns: Basic Research Opportunities: A Workshop Report