Mediterranean Oak Woodland Working Landscapes (Landscape, #16)
The oak tree was a boon companion as humans expanded their presence across much of the globe. While oak woodlands (Quercus spp.) come today in stunningly diverse forms, the stately dehesas of Spain and the dramatic oak-dominated ranchlands of California are working landscapes where cultivation and manipulation for a couple of millennia have shaped Mediterranean-type ecosystems into a profoundly modified yet productive environment that is sought-after by every manner of species. The grazing of w...
The Silviculture and Yield of Wild Cherry (Bulletin S., #75)
Non-timber Uses of Selected Arid Zone Trees and Shrubs in Africa (Conservation Guide)
The Monograph of the Monocotyledon
Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems: Towards Sustainable Management
by Andreas Schulte, D Schone, A Schulte, and D Ne
The Dipterocarp forests of South-East Asia constitute a dominant component of the world's tropical forests. As such, they are intertwined with a Pandora's box of problems that have plagued the world for decades; Over- and underdevelopment, poverty, hunger, population growth, exploitation of natural resources, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, the debt crisis and, of late, climate change. The world community has responded to the crucial role of these forests and the dangers facing...
Tree Establishment on Landfill Sites (Miscellaneous)
Forest Certification Handbook, The. Earthscan Forestry Library
by Ruth Nussbaum and Markku Simula
Biologically active compounds isolated from microorganisms continue to be vital to the development of new drugs and agricultural chemicals. This book was prepared by current and past members of the laboratory of Dr. Satoshi Omura of the Kitasato Institute in Japan. Dr. Omura and his colleagues have discovered and studied a number of important antibiotics, and in their work they have pioneered new methods for screening microbes for interesting and important compounds. This book presents strategie...
Ffeithiau a Ffigurau'r Coedwigaeth (Forestry Facts and Figures (FCFS), #306)
by Alister Henderson and Simon Gillam
Nutrition of Sitka Spruce on Upland Restock Sites in Northern Britain (Information Note, #47)
by Stephen a Smith
The Restoration of Wooded Landscapes (Forestry Commission Research Note (FCRN))
by Jonathan W. Humphrey
State of the World's Forests 2016 (Spanish)
Forests and trees support sustainable agriculture. They stabilize soils and climate, regulate water flows, give shade and shelter, and provide a habitat for pollinators and the natural predators of agricultural pests. They also contribute to the food security of undreds of millions of people, for whom they are important sources of food, energy and income. Yet, agriculture remains the major driver of deforestation globally, and agricultural, forestry and land policies are often at odds. State of...
Microbial Ecology in Sustainable Agroecosystems (Advances in Agroecology)
While soil ecologists continue to be on the forefront of research on biodiversity and ecosystem function, there are few interdisciplinary studies that incorporate ecological knowledge into sustainable land management practices. Conventional, high fossil-fuel input-based agricultural systems can reduce soil biodiversity, alter soil community structure and nutrient cycling, and lead to greater dependence on energy-intensive practices. Microbial Ecology in Sustainable Agroecosystems brings togethe...
Sustainable Forestry (Command Paper, #2429)
The Native Woodland Resource of Scotland: A Review 1993-1998 (Forestry Commission Research Note (FCRN))
by Neil A. MacKenzie
The 2006 Tanzania Economic and Product Market Databook
by Philip M. Parker
Forest & Conservation Technician Log (Unique Logbooks/Record Books)
by Unique Logbooks
Participatory Forest Management in Odisha
by Kailas Sarap and Oliver Springate-Baginski
The Potential for the Natural Regeneration of Conifers in Britain (Bulletin (FCBU))
by Chris J Nixon