French Women's Confidence Secrets
by Margaretha Montagu and Margaretha de Klerk
Dr. Hollis is the author of the national bestseller, Fat Is a Family Affair with over 500,000 copies sold. . Has over forty years of experience in family therapy and treatment of addiction and eating disorders. . Opened the nation's first eating disorders unit. . Her articles on weight loss/management have been published n Shape, Teene, Self, Cosmopolitan, Elle, and numerous professional journals. Part memoir, part how-to, this book addresses the growing obesity epidemic in the US in a humorous...
THE ART OF BREAKING THROUGH Five Simple Steps to Take on Any Challenge & Tackle Self-Doubt
by Louise Valentine
The Best Mama Ever (Friends and Family Notebooks, #18)
by Artprintly Books
Being a teenager means learning how to deal with exams, new experiences and body changes. Are you prepared? No? Teenage life stretches you in more ways than you could imagine, but it is also an exciting time in which you start to consider your future, new relationships and big questions about your identity and beliefs. Sometimes this heady mix might feel like a bit too much to handle, and that's where introducing self-care into your daily life can help. Far from being about drinking kale smoot...
12 books in 1 (How to Be Happy, How to Feel Good, How to Heal Yourself, #1)
by Htebooks
Developing a Champion Spirit -- in just 10 minutes -- For Women Only
by Mikel Brown
Guided Anxiety Journal (Prompted Anxiety Journal, #3) (Guided Anxiety Journal, #4)
by Serenity Press