Interface phenomena are most fascinating because of the mixing of different scales and the interference of diverse physical processes. This makes it necessary to use different levels of description: microscopic, kinetic, and gas-dynamical. A unified quasiclassical approach is used to answer practical questions dealing with inelastic gas-surface scattering, the kinetics of adsorption layers, the evolution of inhomogeneities and defects at the surface, the Knudsen layer, the development of boundar...
A quantum mechanical theory of gravitational interactions
by Greg Feild
Climate Change and World Food Security (Nato ASI Subseries I:, #37) (NATO ASI, v. 37)
In the last half decade since sustainable development became a serious objective, what have we achieved? Are livelihoods more secure? Are nations wealthier and more resilient? Is environmental quality being restored or maintained? These are essential questions of development. Their answers are many, varied between communities and regions, even between individuals. Two years ago, in the aftermath of the Earth Summit and ratification of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, but before the fi...
Microtubules in Hyaloclasts from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project #2 Phase 1 Core
by Kimberly Elizabeth Metevier
Development of a Sol-Gel-Based Thin-Layer Chromatography Stationary Phase for In-Situ Infrared Analysis.
by Linda Kay Jones
The Ambulance Surgeon or Practical Observations on Gunshot Wounds
by And Others and P Louis Appia
Compositae Newsletter, Vol. 46: 30 June 2008 (Classic Reprint)
by Bertil Nordenstam
Forest biodiversity is crucial to the ecological, economic, and social well-being of earth’s civilisations. Unfortunately, however, forest biodiversity is threatened to a serious degree in nearly all countries. Therefore, many countries have agreed to be parties to international agreements focused on maintaining, restoring, and monitoring biodiversity; further, these countries have agreed to report to international bodies on forest biodiversity status and trends. NFIs are the primary source of l...
Jacob's Legacy: A Genetic View of Jewish History
by Department of Zoology David B Goldstein
Die Arbeit widmet sich der Verknupfung sozialwissenschaftlicher Umweltbewusstseins- und soziologischer Lebensstilforschung in der Absicht, systematisch definitive Merkmale und charakteristische Muster eines umweltgerechten Verbraucherverhaltens bzw. von oekologischen Lebensstilen herauszuarbeiten. Im Rahmen einer Sekundaranalyse werden empirische oekologierelevante Lebensstiltypen auf einer metakategorialen Ebene einem utilitaren und einem suffizienzorientierten Lebensstilpol zugeordnet. Abschli...
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Volume 41
Journal of Nano Research Vol. 50 (Journal of Nano Research, Volume 50)
The 50th volume of the journal "Journal of Nano Research" presents to readers the collection of the peer-reviewed papers by results of the research from field of syntesis of the various nanomaterials and nanostructures, applied nanotechnologies in the engineering and chemical production. This volume of the journal will be useful and interesting for a wide range of engineers, scientists and students whose activity is related with creation and using of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in the dif...