Vous avez decouvert le chef d'/uvre litteraire repondant aux questions concernant Dieu, la vie dans l'univers habite, l'histoire, le futur de ce monde et la vie de Jesus. Le Livre d'Urantia harmonise histoire, science et religion en une philosophie de vie pleine d'esperance et de sens nouveau. Vous cherchez des reponses, lisez le Livre d'Urantia ! Le monde a besoin de nouvelles verites spirituelles, amenant l'homme et la femme modernes a une relation personnelle avec Dieu. Batissant sur l'herit...
The Age of Reason (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)
by Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine's primary object in writing "The Age of Reason" was to call into question the conventional understanding of religion and to undermine the power of the Christian church. As provocative and controversial today as when Paine first wrote it, this incendiary work suggests what is necessary to transform religion into a social force that has its foundation in reason.
Le Siecle de la Raison, Ou Recherches Sur La Vraie Theologie Et Sur La Theologie Fabuleuse (Philosophie)
by Thomas Paine
You have just discovered the literary masterpiece that answers your questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living that brings new meaning and hope into your life. If you are searching for answers, read The Urantia Book! The world needs new spiritual truth that provides modern men and women with an intellectual pathway into a personal relatio...
John Toland and the Deist Controversy (Historical Study)
by Robert E. Sullivan
Osiris, god of the dead, was one of ancient Egypt's most important deities. The earliest secure evidence for belief in him dates back to the fifth dynasty (c.2494-2345BC), but he continued to be worshipped until the fifth century AD. Following Osiris is concerned with ancient Egyptian conceptions of the relationship between Osiris and the deceased, or what might be called the Osirian afterlife, asking what the nature of this relationship was and what the prerequisites were for enjoying its benef...
GAIA shares the destiny of a living-and now suffering-Earth. ANIMA mundi, her myth embodies; it is the self-regulating and self-organizing flow of energy between the Sun and Moon and Earth's elemental surface and subterrain, oceans and atmosphere, together supporting the planet's species. ENERGY, the vibrant energy that surges through her biosphere is being blocked, though, coming under attack from our species' greed-driven promotion and acceptance of technology that unrelentingly destroys the...
Legendary in his own time and since as a universal genius, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) contributed significantly to almost every branch of learning. One of the creators of modern mathematics, and probably the most sophisticated logician between the Middle Ages and Frege, as well as a pioneer of ecumenical theology, he also wrote extensively on such diverse subjects as history, geology, and physics. But the part of his work that is most studied today is probably his writings in metaph...
Bringing to life the complex creeds and personalities of America's Founding Fathers, this book confronts many of the myths about the religious views of some of the most notable figures in history. Offering clear and candid portraits of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Paine, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison as both religious reformers and political rebels, this analysis tells the illuminating story of these unorthodox men of faith and thought and reclaims their spiritu...
The writers known as the English deists were not simply religious controversialists, but agents of reform who contributed to the emergence of modernity. The existing literature claims that these writers advocated a failed ideology which itself declined after 1730. Hudson, however, argues for an evolution of their ideas into a more modern form, one less indebted to classical antiquity and the Renaissance. He further claims that these writers promoted political, social and cultural reforms over a...
Natural Theology (Cambridge Library Collection - Science and Religion) (Cambridge Library Collection - Religion)
by William Paley
'The consciousness of knowing little, need not beget a distrust of that which he does not know.' In Natural Theology William Paley set out to prove the existence of God from the evidence of the beauty and order of the natural world. Famously beginning by comparing the world to a watch, whose design is self-evident, he goes on to provide examples from biology, anatomy, and astronomy in order to demonstrate the intricacy and ingenuity of design that could only come from a wise and benevolent deity...
God and Moral Obligation
by Professor of Philosophy and Humanities C Stephen Evans