In Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm, Stephen Harrod Buhner reveals that all life forms on Earth possess intelligence, language, a sense of I and not I, and the capacity to dream. He shows that by consciously opening the doors of perception, we can reconnect with the living intelligences in Nature as kindred beings, become again wild scientists, nondomesticated explorers of a Gaian world just as Goethe, Barbara McClintock, James Lovelock, and others have done. For as Einstein commented,...
Only by understanding the Universe as a vast, holistic system and Earth as a unit within it can we help restore balance to that unit. Only by placing Earth and its ecosystems - about which we now understand so much - at the centre of all our thinking can we avert ecological disaster. Only by bringing our thinking back into balance with feeling, intuition and awareness, and by grounding ourselves in a sense of the sacred in all things can we achieve a new level of consciousness. Green spiritualit...
Pocket Guide to the Tarot, Revised (Mindful Living Guides) (Crossing Press Pocket Guides)
by Alan Oken
A revised and updated, clear and useful guide to the meaning behind each of the 78 tarot cards with instructions on how to lay the cards and perform readings. As far back as the ancient Egyptians, the Tarot has been a source of wisdom and insight into the human heart and mind. The seventy-eight cards of the Tarot deck encourage an awareness of higher consciousness, give insights on the past and present, and discern future directions. Each card in the deck is explained thoroughly, including its...
There's No Time to Be Bored in a World as Beautiful as This
by It's about Time
After literally stumbling into orbs appearing as bright as light bulbs in photographs he was taking at a spiritual retreat, Dr. Klaus Heinemann immediately sensed that he was onto something profound. There was no choice but to convince himself that his notion was on solid grounds. Heinemann looked at thousands of pictures he had taken earlier, and thousands more would be taken to test the hypothesis that these light circles are nothing less than emanations from Spirit beings. Dr. Miceal Ledw...
Cambia Tu Vida En 30 Dias Con La Ley de la Atraccion (Ecoolgia Mental)
by Olivia Reyes Mendoza
Since ancient times humans have honoured places of power in the landscape to gain healing, wisdom and access the world of spirit. In this book expert author Paul Devereux draws on the evidence from the disciplines of sacred geometry, archaeology, archaeoastronomy and archaeoacoustics to map out the hidden meaning in ancient sites and landforms. Through this thoroughly-researched and comprehensive key to the ancient patterns of sacred sites and landscapes around the world, you'll discover how our...
Commemorating Sir Francis Bacon's 450th birth anniversary, the 20 and more contributors to THE VIEW BEYOND see a connection between Bacon's attempt to write the master plan of science, his esoteric interests, his supposed connection with Rosicrucianism, and the development of science and spirituality today.Division of the book is into four main sections. The first is about Bacon himself: John Henry on Bacon the scientist, Bacon the alchemist; Peter Dawkins on his 'Great Instauration' or programm...
Anatomia Energetica (Coleccion del Canal Infinito)
by Livio J Vinardi
Many of us long for a re-greening of the land and our own spirits. Here is a way of experiencing such a resurgence, a wholesome home-grown spirituality with enchantment at it's wild heart. Blending the practical aspects of our lives with Otherworldy journeys and gentle spell-weaving, Green Spirituality allows us to explore the magic inherent in the midst of modern life for positive purposes. Green Spirituality blends environmental awareness and action, country wildcraft and the soul poetry of co...