This entertaining book of mathematical days exercises the brain with confounding puzzles, intriguing math problems, and, of course, detailed solutions to all the conundrums. Readers will enjoy 366 days' worth of stimulating math.
See how math's infinite mysteries and beauty unfold in this captivating educational book! Discover more than 85 of the most important mathematical ideas, theorems, and proofs ever devised with this beautifully illustrated book. Get to know the great minds whose revolutionary discoveries changed our world today. You don't have to be a math genius to follow along with this book! This brilliant book is packed with short, easy-to-grasp explanations, step-by-step diagrams, and witty illustrations...
Thetafunktionen Und Hyperelliptische Funktionen (Sammlung Schubert, #46)
by Ernst Landfriedt
Fast construction and evaluation of interpolatory periodic spline curves
by Friedrich Krinzessa
Numerische Integration. Ausarbeitung zum numerischen Praktikum
by Felix Kasten
Grundzuge Der Vektor- Und Tensorrechnung (de Gruyter Lehrbuch)
by Max Pasler
The new edition retains the author's pungent analysis of what makes math "hard" for otherwise successful people and how women, more than men, become victims of a gendered view of math. It has been substantially updated to incorporate new research on what we know and don't know about "sex differences" in brain organization and function, and it has been enlarged to include problems, puzzles, and strategies tried out in hundreds of math anxiety workshops Tobias and her colleagues have sponsored....
Limit Theorems for Sums of Exchangeable Random Variables (Rowman & Allanheld Probability and Statistics Series)
by Robert Lee Taylor, Peter Zito Daffer, and Ronald F. Patterson
The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (Penguin reference)
From algebra to number theory and from statistics to mechanics, this versatile dictionary takes in all branches of pure and applied mathematics up to first-year university level. Invaluable for mathematicians, it is also a useful source book for economists, business people, engineers, technicians and scientists of all kinds who need a knowledge of mathematics in the course of their work.
The Early Mathematical Manuscripts of Leibniz
by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Carl Immanuel Gerhardt
Simulated Annealing und verwandte Verfahren fur das Traveling Salesman Problem
by Andy Ruigies
Known for many years as Barron's Easy Way Series, the new editions of these popular self-teaching titles are now Barron's E-Z Series. Brand-new cover designs reflect all new page layouts, which feature extensive two-color treatment, a fresh, modern typeface, and more graphic material than ever- charts, graphs, diagrams, instructive line illustrations, and where appropriate, amusing cartoons. Meanwhile, the quality of the books' contents remains at least as high as ever. Barron's E-Z books are...
Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics
The Oxford Users' Guide to Mathematics is one of the leading handbooks on mathematics available. It presents a comprehensive modern picture of mathematics and emphasises the relations between the different branches of mathematics, and the applications of mathematics in engineering and the natural sciences. The Oxford User's Guide covers a broad spectrum of mathematics starting with the basic material and progressing on to more advanced topics that have come to the fore in the last few decades. T...
Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations: Evolutionary Equations
Space, Science & the Environment
Handbook of Multivariate Process Capability Indices
by Ashis Kumar Chakraborty and Moutushi Chatterjee
Providing a single-valued assessment of the performance of a process is often one of the greatest challenges for a quality professional. Process Capability Indices (PCIs) precisely do this job. For processes having a single measurable quality characteristic, there is an ample number of PCIs, defined in literature. The situation worsens for multivariate processes, i.e., where there is more than one correlated quality characteristic. Since in most situations quality professionals face multiple qua...
Mathematics & the Social Sciences
Topologie, Band 1, Allgemeine Topologie (Sammlung Goeschen, #1181)
by Wolfgang Franz
Sechs Vortrage Uber Ausgewahlte Gegenstande Aus Der Reinen Mathematik Und Mathematischen Physik
by Henri Poincare
Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
by Nicholas P Cheremisinoff and Louise Ferrante
This pocket handbook is intended as a handy reference guide for engineers, scientists and students on widely used mathematical relationships, statistical formulas and problem-solving methods, including illustrated examples for problem-solving methods.
The Handy Math Answer Book (The Handy Answer Book)
by Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas E. Svarney
From modern-day challenges such as balancing a checkbook, following the stock market, buying a home, and figuring out credit card finance charges to appreciating historical developments by Pythagoras, Archimedes, Newton, and other mathematicians, this engaging resource addresses more than 1,000 questions related to mathematics. Organized into chapters that cluster similar topics in an easily accessible format, this reference provides clear and concise explanations about the fundamentals of algeb...