In estimates for the norm of an operator, in error estimates for numerical methods, and in estimates for extended functions or for imbedding theorems, various constants occur which depend on certain parameters of the given problem. Here the author solves the problem of determining the "best" constants for some of these estimates or gives values for them which are as near as possible to the "best" ones.
As a general book for the non-specialist desiring to learn about wavelets, this volume provides comprehensive coverage of all major aspects of wavelet transforms and applications. Emphasizing a simple and practical computing approach, the book avoids sophisticated and abstract theory and requires only a familiarity with undergraduate mathematics and computer programming.
Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing II (Proceedings of SPIE)
Proceedings of SPIE present the original research papers presented at SPIE conferences and other high-quality conferences in the broad-ranging fields of optics and photonics. These books provide prompt access to the latest innovations in research and technology in their respective fields. Proceedings of SPIE are among the most cited references in patent literature.
Explorations in Harmonic Analysis (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
by Steven G Krantz
This self-contained text provides an introduction to modern harmonic analysis in the context in which it is actually applied, in particular, through complex function theory and partial differential equations. It takes the novice mathematical reader from the rudiments of harmonic analysis (Fourier series) to the Fourier transform, pseudodifferential operators, and finally to Heisenberg analysis.
Fourier Analysis on Finite Abelian Groups (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
by Bao Luong
This unified, self-contained book examines the mathematical tools used for decomposing and analyzing functions, specifically, the application of the [discrete] Fourier transform to finite Abelian groups. With countless examples and unique exercise sets at the end of each section, Fourier Analysis on Finite Abelian Groups is a perfect companion to a first course in Fourier analysis. This text introduces mathematics students to subjects that are within their reach, but it also has powerful applica...
Fourier-Transformation Zur Signal- Und Systembeschreibung (Essentials)
by Jorg Lange and Tatjana Lange
Mathematische Grundlagen Der Digitalisierung (Essentials)
by Jorg Lange and Tatjana Lange
Functional Analysis and Applied Optimization in Banach Spaces
by Fabio Botelho
This book introduces the basic concepts of real and functional analysis. It presents the fundamentals of the calculus of variations, convex analysis, duality, and optimization that are necessary to develop applications to physics and engineering problems. The book includes introductory and advanced concepts in measure and integration, as well as an introduction to Sobolev spaces. The problems presented are nonlinear, with non-convex variational formulation. Notably, the primal global minima may...
An Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics, Wi
by William Elwood Byerly
Nahm and Fourier--Mukai Transforms in Geometry and Mathematical Physics
by Ugo Bruzzo Daniel Hernndez Ruiprez
5 Million Digits of Pi - Volume 5 - Decimal Places from 20,000,001 to 25,000,000
by Cactus Publishing Inc and Marc Cactus
60 Worksheets - Finding Place Values with 2 Digit Numbers (60 Days Math Place Value, #1)
by Kapoo Stem
Wavelet Theory (Translations of Mathematical Monographs)
by I. Ya. Novikov, V. Yu. Protasov, and Maria A. Skopina
Wavelet theory lies on the crossroad of pure and computational mathematics, with connections to audio and video signal processing, data compression, and information transmission. The present book is devoted to a systematic exposition of modern wavelet theory. It details the construction of orthogonal and biorthogonal systems of wavelets and studies their structural and approximation properties, starting with basic theory and ending with special topics and problems. The book also presents some ap...
Mehrdimensionale Fourier Multiplikatoren Vom Iterierten Typ (Forschungsberichte Des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, #2645)
by Gerhard Wilmes
Der Hintergrund dieser Arbeit ist die Theorie der trans- lationsinvarianten Operator en yom Typ- L wie sie etwa in [7] dargestellt ist. Solehe Operatoren lassen sieh eindeutig uber die Faltung mit temperierten Distributionen eharakterisieren (vgl. [7]), deren Fourier Transformierte man dann als Multi- q plikatoren yom Typ M bezeichnet. Eine grundlegende Probl- p stellung dieser Theorie ist es, hinreichende Kriterien dafur anzugeben, daB eine vorgegebene Distribution (bzw. Funktion) q ein M - Mul...