"germinal", La Mine Et Les Arts (Espacios Literarios En Contacto, #13)
Paru en 1885, Germinal, le roman de d'Emile Zola, occupe toujours le devant de la scene litteraire et sociale. Entre viol de la nature et nostalgie d'une poesie champetre, quelle est l'evolution artistique de la mine dans la litterature francaise avant Germinal ? Quel sens proposent les textes precurseurs du roman ? Sont-ils evocateurs nostalgiques d'un monde terrible et fraternel ? Que nous revele la construction du roman, sa genese, les moments cles tant de l'enonciation que de l'enonce ? Quel...
Women Writers of the 1930s
This volume of new writings has a double purpose: to question Auden's description of the 1930s as a 'low dishonest decade' and to draw attention to the richness, complexity and diversity of women's writing of the period and how this deals with issues of politics, gender and history. The writers discussed include Elizabeth von Arnim, Elizabeth Bowen, Katherine Burdekin, Nancy Cunard, Storm Jameson, Rosamond Lehmann, Naomi Mitchison, Jean Rhys, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Rebecca West and Virginia Woo...
Recent years have witnessed important new initiatives in the study of popular fictional modes of writing. At one time the field could have been described with reasonable accuracy by two traditions: one that analyzed the production and distribution of popular fiction as commodities; and one whose proponents regarded popular fiction as the negative which offered definition to the exposure of the positive - the 'great' canonic literary tradition. Generally, then, popular fictions were to be 'evalua...
Band 17 des Jahrbuchs SYMBOLON dokumentiert die Vortrage aus verschiedenen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen, die bei den Jahrestagungen der Gesellschaft 2003 in Gauting bei Munchen und 2004 in Kassel gehalten wurden. Die Themenkreise umfassten einmal "Symbolik und Religion" (Sufismus, Islam, griechische Antike, Chassidismus, Christentum), zum anderen "Symbolik der Wandlung - Wandel der Symbole" (Religionsgeschichte, Sakramententheologie, Symbolik der Strohbaren, Koerpersymbolik, Philosophie, Symbolik de...
Post-Borderlandia (Latinidad: Transnational Cultures in the United States)
by T. Jackie Cuevas
Bringing Chicana/o studies into conversation with queer theory and transgender studies, Post-Borderlandia examines why gender variance is such a core theme in contemporary Chicana and Chicanx narratives. It considers how Chicanx butch lesbians and Chicana butch lesbians and Chicanx trans people as not only challenging heteropatriarchal norms, but also departing from mainstream conceptions of queerness and gender identification. Expanding on Gloria Anzaldua's classic formulation of the Chicana a...
En esta vida todo es verdad y todo mentira, La dama duende, El pintor de su deshonra, Luis Perez el gallego, El alcalde de Zalamea y La vida es sueno son algunos dramas calderonianos que Eduardo Muratta Bunsen analiza en estas paginas siguiendo el derrotero de la duda. Esta nueva valoracion revela que en esas obras se esconde una pasion por dudar que siembra la sospecha y ensena a desconfiar, ademas de constituir una actitud disidente que, por sus efectos, es subversiva para un orden que, interp...
Untimely Women (New Directions in Rhetoric and Materiality)
by Jason Barrett-Fox
Women German Yearbook (Women in German Yearbook)
"Women in German Yearbook" is a refereed publication that presents a wide range of feminist approaches to all aspects of German literature, culture, and language, including pedagogy. Reflecting the interdisciplinary perspectives that inform feminist German studies, each issue contains critical studies that employ gender and other analytical categories to examine the work, history, life, literature, and arts of the German-speaking world.
A Handbook of Literary Feminisms
by Shari Benstock, Suzanne Ferriss, and Susanne Woods
A Handbook of Literary Feminisms provides a concise overview of feminist literature from the Early Modern traditions through to the twenty- first century. Additional material includes feminist literary criticism and theory, and a chapter covering approaches to women's texts; a glossary and timelines set the developments of this field in context for students.
Bluestocking Feminism and British-German Cultural Transfer, 1750-1837
by Alessa Johns
Bluestocking Feminism and British-German Cultural Transfer, 1750-1837 examines the processes of cultural transfer between Britain and Germany during the Personal Union, the period from 1714 to 1837 when the kings of England were simultaneously Electors of Hanover. While scholars have generally focused on the political and diplomatic implications of the Personal Union, Alessa Johns offers a new perspective by tracing sociocultural repercussions by investigating how, in the period of the American...
Paul Zechs Exilwerk (Historisch-Kritische Arbeiten Zur Deutschen Literatur, #58)
by Kora Busch
Aus einem neuen Blickwinkel analysiert diese Untersuchung die Ebene, die sich hinter den Exotismen des (Exil-)Werks Paul Zechs verbirgt: Die vehemente Kritik der anhaltenden Vertreibung indigener Voelker verbunden mit der Monierung der Umweltzerstoerung des industrialisierten Menschen. Unter Heranziehung postkolonialer und oekokritischer Theorien, hybrider Modelle und Alteritatskonzepte interpretiert die Autorin veroeffentlichte und unveroeffentlichte Exiltexte Zechs. Dabei zeigt sie auf, wie si...
Because of his misogyny and disdain for the body, Kant has been a target of much feminist criticism. Moreover, as the epitome of eighteenth-century Enlightenment philosophy, his thought has been a focal point for feminist debate over the Enlightenment legacy-whether its conceptions of reason and progress offer tools for women's emancipation and empowerment or, rather, have contributed to the historical subordination of women in Western society. This volume presents radically divergent interpret...
A groundbreaking new look at American novelist Willa Cather's creative process What would Willa Cather's widely read and cherished novels have looked like if she had never met magazine editor and copywriter Edith Lewis? In this groundbreaking book on Cather's relationship with her life partner, author Melissa J. Homestead counters the established portrayal of Cather as a solitary genius and reassesses the role that Lewis, who has so far been rendered largely invisible by scholars, played in s...
Figures Du Dandysme (Etudes de Linguistique, Litterature Et Arts / Studi Di Lingu, #25)
L'ouvrage fait converger des eclairages singuliers sur le dandy, paradigme de l'individualisme moderne et de la construction de la masculinite. Le volume croise des approches sociologiques, politiques, litteraires et artistiques au sens large. Il problematise les traits du dandy historique: variations genrees, temporelles ou locales; puis la perspective se concentre sur le dandy moderne dans differents media ou figures postcoloniales; l'approche se reconfigure dans le but de cerner une masculini...
Einerseits gehoerte Alfred Doeblin nicht zu jener Gruppe von Autoren, die das Exil als einen 'Weg ohne Ruckkehr' oder gar als Chance erfuhr. Er ist andererseits aber auch nicht zu jenen Schriftstellern zu zahlen, die in der Emigration voellig verstummten. Aufgrund seiner Bedeutung fur die literarische Epoche des Exils ist eine detaillierte Auseinandersetzung mit den Exilpositionen und -werken dieses Autors perspektivenreich. Doeblins Werke werden im Kontext der Themen, Genres, Projekte, politisc...