Colonia Boer, an Afrikaner Settlement in Chubut, Argentina
by Brian M.Du Toit
Sin, Crime and Retribution in Early Latin America (Latin American Studies, v. 4)
Breve Historia de Espana
by Fernando Garcia de Cortazar and Jose Manuel Gonzalez Vesga
Doiminacion y Legitimidad Politica En Hispanoamerica
by Pablo R Cristoffanini
J.A. Balseiro: Cronica de una Ilusion
by Arturo Lopez Davalos, Arturo Lspez Davalos, and Norma Badino
The daily routines, habits, beliefs, and values of the Hispanic culture that create unique human interactions in this society are revealed in this book. The book consists of 26 chapters relating to different themes that collectively provide an understanding of cultural responses. An anecdote is placed at the beginning of each chapter to assist the reader in understanding the more pedagogical information that follows. Reflected in this book is the reality that the Hispanic world covers a vast geo...
Annaes Da Provincia de S. Pedro, 1822, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)
by Jose Feliciano Fernandes Pinheiro
This is Volume I (chapters 1-15) of WE THE PEOPLE. Crafted from the ground up to be a "brief" U.S. History text (rather than a condensed version of a larger text), WE THE PEOPLE tells the story of America through five recurring, interwoven themes: (1) the role of interacting cultures in the development of the American nation; (2) the social/cultural environment's interaction with political forces; (3) the evolution of a national identity; (4) changing cultural values; and (5) individuals' attemp...
Combining traditional documentary research with new analytical strategies, Robert J. Ferry creates a rich, three-dimensional picture of early Caracas. His reconstitution and interpretation of important genealogical histories provide a model for historical studies of Latin American and other societies. Ferry's work partially eclipses previously accepted ideas about colonial Caracas. He shows how the society was dominated by a commercial-agricultural elite and demonstrates that women were resp...
Revista Trimensal Do Instituto Historico Geographico E Ethnographico Do Brasil, 1869, Vol. 32
by Instituto Historico Do Brasil
Annaes Da Bibliotheca Nacional Do Rio de Janeiro, 1887-1888, Vol. 15 (Classic Reprint)
by F L Bittencourt Sampaio