Speaking truth to power (ESRC Learning Society)
The relationship between research and policy has recently become turbulent and contentious. Into this charged atmosphere, five of the projects form the ESRC's Learning Society Programme present the implications of their findings for policy, and constitute a powerful critique of current policy on lifelong learning in this collection. For the first time, findings are presented from a major new survey, commissioned by the Programme, which examined the skills of a representative sample of British wo...
The necessity of informal learning (ESRC Learning Society)
This report argues for a fundamental reassessment of the significance of informal learning. Formal education and training represent only a small part of all the learning done in schools, colleges, at work, at home and in the community. Yet it is formal learning which is at the heart of the government's unshakeable determination to drive up standards by means of qualifications, national targets and league tables. A hierarchy of different types of learning has emerged with 'learning for earning' a...
Evidence has shown that individuals leaving school without qualifications are four times more likely to be unemployed than those with qualifications. Preventing and combating unemployment therefore requires active measures both in the labour market and in the institutions responsible for preparing the future workforce - educational institutions. Attempts to remedy this problem have so far largely neglected children from socially excluded families - one of the most vulnerable groups in education....
Why's the beer always stronger up North? (ESRC Learning Society)
This collection of papers takes a new, critical line on lifelong learning. Over the last few decades in the English-speaking world, a powerful consensus has developed about the need for nothing less than a revolution in education and training to maintain economic competitiveness. Politicians of the left, middle and right, trade union and business leaders have repeatedly promoted this rhetoric, choosing lifelong learning as the solution to a wide range of economic, social and political problems....
Bullying in Irish Education
School bullying is receiving increasing attention as a phenomenon which is present in all schools. Despite previous books on the topic, bullying continues to thrive, become more sophisticated and pose serious problems for school populations in both primary and post-primary sectors. This book will be the first definitive review of bullying in Irish education written by researchers and practitioners working in the field. The appeal of this book is twofold. Firstly it explores bullying from diffe...
If You Say Window Shopping and Coffee I'm In
by Chadam Coffee Journals
If You Say Stamp Collecting and Coffee I'm In
by Chadam Coffee Journals
Manual Para Capacitar Profesionales En La Intervencion y El Manejo de Victimas de Acoso Escolar O Bullying
by Mar a M Mendoza-Rodr Guez and Maria M Mendoza-Rodriguez
500 Division Worksheets with 5-Digit Dividends, 3-Digit Divisors (500 Days Math Division, #12)
by Kapoo Stem
A committed feminist, Kipnis was surprised to find herself the object of a protest march by student activists at her university for writing an essay about sexual paranoia on campus. Next she was brought up on Title IX complaints for creating a 'hostile environment.' Defying confidentiality strictures, she wrote a whistleblowing essay about the ensuing seventy-two-day investigation, which propelled her to the center of national debates over free speech, 'safe spaces,' and the vast federal overrea...
School Violence (Current Controversies (Paperback)) (Current Controversies (Library))