With so much cultural mixing in today's classrooms, teachers no longer have a choice as to whether they want to interact with diversity or not. It is imperative that educators become culturally competent. By studying the cultural backgrounds of their students, teachers can learn to avoid some of the problems that surface each day in the public school classroom. Today's classrooms are extremely diverse and many educators are not prepared for the increasing need for culturally responsive teachin...
How can Academic Developers provide evidence of the effectiveness and `added value' of their work to the key stakeholders within their institutions? Written for Academic Developers, academic administrators and others responsible for promoting organizational change, Evaluating the Effectiveness of Academic Development is a professional guide that shares best practice advice and provides developers with useful frameworks for effective evaluation and monitoring of their work. Through case studi...
Skills and Vocationalism
Shortlisted for the Anne Bloomfield Prize 2010 Across the ninety years of its history, the University of New Zealand (1871-1961) appointed four women professors to the academic staff. From the outset, while the 'woman professor' was an insider to the Academy based on her qualifications and professional credentials, on the basis of her gender she was a relative outsider to this deeply patriarchal institution. Accordingly, academic women, and in particular this first generation of women professor...
Taccuino - Notebook 192 White page and lined pages
by Lesmama Di Manlio Amicone
Bei der Studie handelt es sich um eine praxisbezogene deskriptive und explorative Orientierungsforschung zu wertorientierten kulturellen, moralischen, sozialen, erzieherischen und politischen Grundhaltungen und Einstellungen griechischer Jugendlicher im Migrations- und Heimatland. Die Studie tragt der Analyse ausdifferenzierter Handlungsbereiche der erzieherischen Lebenswelt, wie Familie, Bildung, Arbeit, Kultur und Freizeit, sowie der Handlungssituation auf Individual-, Interaktions-, Instituti...
How can dystopian futures help provide the motivation to change the ways we operate day to day?Futures Beyond Dystopia takes the view that the dominant trends in the world suggest a long-term decline into unliveable Dystopian futures. The human prospect is therefore very challenging, yet the perception of dangers and dysfunctions is the first step towards dealing with them. The motivation to avoid future dangers is matched by the human need to create plans and move forward. These twin motivation...
Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts entwickelt sich die Berucksichtigung kindlicher Eigenarten auch in der Musikpadagogik zum dominierenden Lehrprinzip. Dass das Prinzip des musikalisch Kindgemassen eine Vorgeschichte hat, ist bisher kaum systematisch dargestellt worden. Die Arbeit zeigt anhand von Quellen, wie sich Vorstellungen zu dem Kind angemessenen Methoden, Inhalten und Umgangsweisen mit Musik im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert entwickeln. Viele dieser Auffassungen bleiben zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunder...
Bis in unsere Gegenwart hinein wird das Streben nach Erkenntnis als ein ganzlich rationaler Prozess betrachtet, der allein von der Vernunft und dem Verstand gelenkt wird. Die Studie zeigt auf, dass es neben dem Verstand und neben der Vernunft vor allem die Gefuhle sind, die den Vorgang der Erkenntnis in Gang setzen, aufrechterhalten und zu einem uberprufbaren Resultat gelangen lassen. Anhand biographischer Analysen wird dargelegt, dass allein die "Verbindung" von Denken und Fuhlen Menschen dazu...
Giving fantastic enthusiastic caring teacher weekly calendar and planner
by Teachertools Press
Countless books and articles have offered remedies for the poor learning outcomes of American schoolchildren. Virtually all of these publications share one thing in common: They propose improvements in the policies and practices controlled by adult educators. Grove believes that our children's poor learning cannot be totally the fault of educators. Our children are active participants in classrooms, so if there's a problem with how well our children are learning, then we as parents might be at f...
This book aims to provide an explanation for the slow introduction of Development Education in Japan.
100 Ideas for Teaching Citizenship (Continuum One Hundreds)
by Ian Davies
The '100 Tips' series gives 100 invaluable and practical ideas for teachers of all levels. Citizenship has recently become a compulsory subject within secondary education. Ian Davies gives teachers 100 practical ideas on how to incorporate citizenship into all aspects of teaching.