The recent trend of trying to measure higher education's return on investment misses a fundamental point, argue Charity Johansson and Peter Felten. The central purpose of a college or university is to transform the lives of students-not to merely change them or help them mature. This transformation is an ongoing process of intentionally aligning one's behavior with one's core sense of personal identity. It is the university's central role to lead students in this transformation, a process that s...
Won't Stop Academic Planner 2019-2020 (Cute Student Planners, #6)
by Pop Academic
India Higher Education Report 2021
This volume provides an in-depth analysis of the critical dimensions of higher education in India. It focuses on the growth and expansion of private higher education and public policy. The volume discusses issues related to the growth of for-profit and not-for-profit private higher education institutions and their implications at the policy level. It outlines the role of such institutions towards the internationalization and global ranking of the Indian higher education system. The book discusse...
The old aphorism ""Where you stand is where you sit"" rings true across many sectors of society. For academic administrators, be they provosts, vice-presidents or vice-chancellors, deans or directors, department chairs or heads, or administrative support professionals, the level and scope of responsibilities clearly influence perspectives. Yet, having a understanding of the higher-education enterprise is essential to ensuring professional success and advancement. Such understanding is at the hea...
Innovations in Higher Education (The ACE Series on Higher Education) (The Ace Higher Education)
Rising costs and increasing global competition press institutions to do more with less. At the same time, deep budget cuts and a general social and political impatience have revived calls for reform in educational affordability, curriculum, and outcome measurement. Yet within this environment, a myriad of success stories are being forged among educational institutions, supporting industries, and educational consortia that are embracing innovative approaches to all aspects of the higher education...
Institutions of higher education are not like corporations: they have multiple goals, not even limited to the central ones of teaching and research, nor are they organized hierarchically. One class of leading inhabitants, faculty members, are a cross between independent contractors and employees; another class, administrators, are a cross between bosses and colleagues. Fitting Form to Function discusses how such institutions are best organized; how decisions are best made at various levels; how...
Inclusive Collegiality and Nontenure-Track Faculty (The New Faculty Majority)
by Don Haviland, Jenny Jacobs, Nathan F. Alleman, and Cara Cliburn Allen
Weekly Planner 2020 - Autism Teachers Don't Cry We Wine
by Teacher Planners Bgi
The Student Leadership Challenge (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner, #167)
by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
Real-world leadership training for real-world students The Student Leadership Challenge tailors one of the world’s most respected leadership models to students’ unique needs, and provides a proven pathway to success. Based on The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, this book merges solid research with personal stories from real-world student leaders to help students develop the critical skills they need to lead both now and after graduation. Useful from high school to graduate school and bey...
In Staying Online, one of our most respected online learning leaders offers uncommon insights into how to reimagine digital higher education. As colleges and universities increasingly recognize that online learning is central to the future of post-secondary education, faculty and senior leaders must now grapple with how to assimilate, manage, and grow effective programs. Looking deeply into the dynamics of online learning today, Robert Ubell maps its potential to boost marginalized students, sta...
Current global trends suggest a time of exciting possibility for scholars as critical, community-engaged, and participatory epistemologies come to the fore. Yet, just as possibilities invite academics to broaden and deepen scholarship in ways unimagined a decade before, a parallel shift towards a neoliberal and accountability-focused culture -- both in the academy and in society -- imperils every new opportunity. In Dissident Knowledge , Noam Chomsky, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Yvonna S. Lincoln, and...
An Athletic Director's Story and the Future of College Sports in America
by Robert E. Mulcahy
Regent's Journal Chalkboard Design (School Journals Notebooks Diaries)
by Distinctive Journals
Competition to provide education is tense, attributed to the ease to access and process information. Technological development has also landed a terrible blow to the employment situation, which forces higher education institutions to review what and how their students learn. Yet, the desire to retain and grow the number of students and gain commercially can sometimes cloud judgment of educational leaders. They need to know that poorly made decisions hurt the businesses and students. In this boo...
Co-published with AIEAInternational higher education has evolved, in some respects dramatically, in the decade since publication of the first edition of this handbook. The new issues, trends, practices and priorities of research that evolved over this time have in some instances been transformed by one of the most dynamic and tumultuous periods in the history of international higher education, brought on by the pandemic, a re-emergence of nationalism, and the recognition of the power imbalances...
Despite continued growth in enrollments, graduate program attrition rates are of great concern to academic program coordinators. It is estimated that only 40 to 50 percent of students who begin Ph.D. programs complete their degrees. This book describes programs, initiatives, and interventions that lead to overall student retention and success. Written for graduate school administrators, student affairs professionals, and faculty, this book offers ways to better support today's graduate student...