Keep Calm And Trust The Girl With A ACSW
by Originalcoloringpages Com Publishing
Keep Calm And Trust The Girl With A PsyaD
by Originalcoloringpages Com Publishing
2020 Goal Getter Planner (Morning Motivational, #4)
by Forward Motion Planners
The secrets that experts and top professionals use to get things done. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Getting Things Done.Includes how to:* Get more done in less time* Manage upwards, downwards and sideways* Under-promise and over-deliver* Overcome difficult people and issues* Deliver projects on time and on budget
Communicating with More Confidence (Easy Step by Step Guides)
by Pauline Rowson
Communicating effectively should be the simplest thing in the world, we talk and listen - or do we? And is that all there is to it? When things go wrong in a company, a friendship, a personal relationship, communication or rather lack of it or misinterpreting it, is often at the heart of the problem. Improving your communication skills can bring huge rewards; it can help you to win more contracts and sales, gain promotion, manage your organisation or your team more effectively, find friendship,...
Managing Yourself (The Mike Pedler Library) (The successful manager)
by Mike Pedler and Tom Boydell
Based on the principle that to be able to organize others, one has to be able to organize oneself, this book is designed to empower individuals and encourage them to act. Managing "from the inside out" involves developing oneself in four main areas: health (physical, emotional and mental), skills (conceptual, social and technical), action (pro-activity, getting things done, taking risks and initiatives) and identify (self-awareness and understanding, self-acceptance and self-motivation). From se...
Exploring the cause of failure in the lives of so many and identifying the spiritual principles that will ensure success in life. Excerpt: "There are many financially secured individuals who are absolute failures at everything in life. Many have earned or inherited wealth and have languished in the dungeons of unhappiness because of their wealth. They have never known love, happiness, or freedom. It is true that many wealthy persons covet the happiness and successful lifestyle of people with...
Tom Hopkins earned himself over one million dollars in his first three years as a salesman. Here, in his first book, he sets down the key secrets of his success. His methods emphasize the need to escape from a fear of failure. His techniques have all been tried and tested on the firing line of sales work and are positive and practical. His book reveals how selling can become not just a job but a way of life that leads to greater success, greater satisfaction and greater happiness.