Academic Planner 2019-2020 - Eat More Cakes
by Planners for Academics
* Positive Psychology is a rapidly growing branch of psychology, influencing many areas of the educational and organisational world, particularly those concerned with wellbeing, and this book is the first to link it with coaching in nature. * Very practical guidance that can be used by executive coaches. * 'Values-led' coaches are looking for new and different ways to coach so as to add impact and value to their clients - this book shows how.
How often do you find yourself using the phrase: 'This is all too good to be true' or 'All good things come to an end'? It is all too common a belief that in order to be happy you must earn, deserve, work and pay for it. Happiness is for tomorrow. Today is for well-behaved hardship, martyrdom and quiet desperation.With a combination of stories, exercises, meditations, poetry and prayer, Robert focuses on keys to emotional healing, true self-acceptance, relationships, inner confidence, and pure...
You make your own luck if you stay at it long enough. (Motivate Yourself, #2)
by Score Your Goal
Careers in Environmental Conservation (Kogan Page careers) (Kogan Page Careers in S.)
by John McCormick
As conservation of the natural environment becomes a subject of world concern, far more employment opportunities are being made available in this area. This book shows the current careers situation, who the employers are and which qualifications they are seeking. Some aspects of conservation are extremely technical and demand specialized knowledge; others require no qualifications in environmental subjects. Voluntary work is plentiful and relevant experience can be valuable when combined with te...
The Go-Getter: A Story That Tells You How to Be One; The Complete Original Edition
by Peter B Kyne and Elbert Hubbard
After the huge success of "Corporate Voodoo" (1841121576) comes the Voodoo Fieldbook - "My Voodoo" - a practical guide to making the messages of "Corporate Voodoo" come alive in your life and work. In "My Voodoo", there will be further insights from first hand practitioners and interviews with key figures in the Fast Businesses described in "Corporate Voodoo" as well as new initiatives for you to learn from. It will look at the Slow Businesses in "Corporate Voodoo" and how they've responded to t...
Best Special Education Compliance Coordinator. Ever.
by Kalas Publishing