Subsea repairs and inspection are costly for petroleum and pipeline engineers and proper training is needed to focus on ensuring system strength and integrity. Subsea Pipeline Integrity and Risk Management is the perfect companion for new engineers who need to be aware of the state-of-the-art techniques. This handbook offers a "hands-on" problem-solving approach to integrity management, leak detection, and reliability applications such as risk analysis. Wide-ranging and easy-to-use, the book...
Building Automation (Signals and Communication Technology)
by Hermann Merz, Thomas Hansemann, and Christof Hubner
Modern buildings are increasingly equipped with actuators and sensors, communication, visualization and control systems. This textbook provides an overview of industrial communication systems and stimulates a basic understanding of network and bus systems for the automation of buildings. After an introduction to EIB/KNX, LON und BACnet technologies, the authors illustrate how these systems can be utilized for specific applications, like air conditioning or illumination. This book assumes only a...
Foundations of Location Analysis (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, #155)
Location analysis has matured from an area of theoretical inquiry that was designed to explain observed phenomena to a vibrant field which can be and has been used to locate items as diverse as landfills, fast food outlets, gas stations, as well as politicians and products in issue and feature spaces. Modern location science is dealt with by a diverse group of researchers and practitioners in geography, economics, operations research, industrial engineering, and computer science. Given the tre...
Vulnerability Assessment of Physical Protection Systems
by Mary Lynn Garcia
Vulnerability Assessment of Physical Protection Systems guides the reader through the topic of physical security with a unique, detailed and scientific approach. The book describes the entire vulnerability assessment (VA) process, from the start of planning through final analysis and out brief to senior management. It draws heavily on the principles introduced in the author's best-selling Design and Evaluation of Physical Protection Systems and allows readers to apply those principles and conduc...
The profitability of any industry, in any technological sector - power, process, manufacturing, mineral extraction, transport, communication, etc - will be profoundly influenced by the reliability and performance of the plant which it uses. It is therefore vital that all possible measures are taken to maximise the productivity in use, and to minimise the maintenance costs and the downtime, of that plant. This book explains, in a clear and concise manner, the various organization structures that...
Dimension Warehouse Supervisor Work Log (Orange Logs/Work Log)
by Orange Logs
Assessing the Training and Operational Proficiency of China's Aerospace Forces
by Edmund J Burke, Astrid Stuth Cevallos, Mark R Cozad, and Timothy R. Heath
Reducing Environmental Liability for Pre-Existing Conditions
by Barry A. Cik
In this book, Cik reviews EPA's standards and examines how they apply to an environmental site, how potential real estate buyers can best comply in order to ensure they are protected under these regulations, and how property owners can meet the requirements to maintain such protection. Throughout the book, he introduces the reader to new EPA regulations and reveals how new standards affect the procedures that property owners and potential buyers must follow. Cik clarifies this complicated proces...
I don't always tolerate stupid people. But when I do, I'm probably at Work (Fun Office Quote, #3)
by Inside Office Network
Immobilien-Benchmarking dient vor allem dazu, die Rendite zu optimieren und Kosten zu senken. Der Band führt in das Immobilienmanagement unter Anwendung des Immobilien-Benchmarkings ein. Dabei wird Immobilienmanagement als integraler Bestandteil des Immobilienlebenszyklus verstanden. Die Autoren stellen bewährte und zielführende Vorgehensweisen bei Benchmarking-Projekten dar und schöpfen dabei aus ihren umfangreichen Praxiserfahrungen. Beispiele sowohl aus dem öffentlichen Bereich wie auch aus d...
M63 Aquifer Storage and Recovery (AWWA Manuals of Practice)
by American Water Works Association
This manual provides a general understanding of the principles of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR).
This book is based on the authors' 100-plus years of experience as engineers and provides students with practical knowledge of what to expect as they enter the engineering field with a career in mind. Besides students, it will also serve as a practical guide for guidance counselors and recent engineering graduates, and contains topics infrequently found in other introductory engineering texts such as mentoring, interviewing, intellectual property, and how to navigate the variety of career choice...
Facilities Planner Log (Log Book, Journal - 125 pgs, 8.5 X 11 inches) (Centurion Logbooks)
by Centurion Logbooks
Material Crew Supervisor Work Log (Key Work Logs/Work Log)
by Key Work Logs
Devising optimal strategy for maintaining industrial plant can be a difficult task of daunting complexity. This book aims to provide the plant engineer with a comprehensive and systematic approach, a framework of guidelines, for tackling this problem, i.e. for deciding maintenance objectives, formulating equipment life plans and plant maintenance schedules, designing the maintenance organisation and setting up appropriate systems of documentation and control. The author, Anthony Kelly, an expe...
In einem sich ändernden Umfeld und neuen Organisationsstrukturen besteht für produzierende Unternehmen die Notwendigkeit, Kosten zu senken, gleichbleibendes Qualitätsniveau und konstante Produktionsmengen in einem definierten Zeitraum zu realisieren. Voraussetzung ist, daß die eigene Produktion optimiert wird. Wie müssen die Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen organisiert werden, damit dies erreicht werden kann? Zu berücksichtigen ist, daß die Fragen der Anwendung von Anlagen und der Instandhaltung aus Pro...
Athletic Equipment Custodian Work Log (Orange Logs/Work Log)
by Orange Logs
Dieses Notizbuch Gehoert Dem Besten Elektriker Aller Zeiten
by Igor Rousinovic
Facility Management
by Hans P Braun, Peter Haller, and Eberhard Oesterle
Ein praktischer Leitfaden zur Einfhrung von Facility Management. Aufgabe dieser Managementmethode ist die Planung, Realisierung, Bewirtschaftung und das Controlling des Anlagevermgens. Die Autoren geben einen berblick zum Facility Management und illustrieren diesen mit praktischen Beispielen. Die Themen reichen vom kostenstellenorientierten Flchenmanagement ber die Energiebewirtschaftung und Instandhaltung bis zur technischen Bewirtschaftung des Gebudebestandes. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind Einspar...
Erfolgspotenziale der Holzhybridbauweise in der Immobilienprojektentwicklung
by Benjamin Wagner, Michael Heckmann, Andreas Pfnur, and Christian Glock
Praxisnahe Forschungsarbeit, die sich mit den Potenzialen der Holzhybridbauweise für die Immobilienentwicklung beschäftig. Dabei werden sowohl die Aspekte der Holzhybridbauweise im Kontext der Nachhalitigkeit beleuchtet, als auch im Rahmen von Experteninterviews die Chancen und Herausforderungen erfragt und ausgewertet. Ein konzeptionller Vergleich der ökologischen Auwirkungen der Holzhybridbauweise mit anderen Bauweisen und eine Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse dieser Bauweise runden das Werk ab und...