Part of a series rapidly gaining wide acceptance as a source of good ideas, this book covers a topic of interest to everyone - organisations that want to keep a clean profile, and people who love a bit of gossip and scandal. With the media (the 'meeja' as some call it!) clamouring for juicy stories, it is in an organisation's best interests to take care of their publicity machine. This book shows how good publicity and promotion offer huge benefits - and how bad publicity can often cause irrepar...
Erfolgsfaktor CommTech
Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie Kommunikationsabteilungen ihre Prozesse digitalisieren können, um auch in Zukunft erfolgreich zur Wertschöpfung ihrer Unternehmen beizutragen. Über 30 renommierte Branchenexperten und Wissenschaftler geben einen grundlegenden Einblick in das Thema, schaffen Markttransparenz, schildern Umsetzungsstrategien und beschreiben ihre Erfahrungen mit konkreten IT- und Kommunikationsprojekten. Dabei werden unter anderem die folgenden Fragen geklärt: Warum ist die Digitalisierun...
Following the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina, corporate malfeasance, and the US and international financial crises, businesses and organizations have made crisis management and communication a priority. Some have learned the lessons of Exxon, Enron, World Com and Martha Stewart. Many have not. This book uses well known cases (Martha Stewart, Enron, etc) to illustrate failures in crisis communication, and provides a step-by-step guide for managers seeking to implemen...
The world of the professional service company in the 1990s is vastly different to the grey world of introduction and privilege which persisted long into the second half of the 20th century: Lloyds has been shaken to the foundations; banks are seen to be anything but infallible; and accountants are being sued. None of them can sit back on the glow of general approbation which they enjoyed in the past. Each of them must now take pains to manage their image. But it will take more than a big smile i...
CSR und Interne Kommunikation (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)
Dieses Buch zeigt wie Vorstand, Geschäftsführung und CSR-Beauftragte die interne CSR-Kommunikation verbessern können. Die eigenen Mitarbeiter tragen entscheidend dazu bei, dass Unternehmensverantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen und Organisationen gelebt werden. Konkrete Unternehmensbeispiele und aktuelle Forschungsansätze veranschaulichen wie Führungskräfte und Belegschaft eingebunden, aktiviert und zu CSR-Botschaftern im eigenen Unternehmen gemacht werden können. Eine lohnenswerte Lekt...
Die Medienlandschaft verändert sich in den letzten Jahren dramatisch und mit ihr die Geschäftsmodelle der Verlage und TV- wie Hörfunk-Sender. Das hat Ausw- kungen auf die Redaktionen und natürlich auch auf die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Unternehmen. Zunächst müssen viel mehr Kanäle bespielt werden, da die Medien selbst ihre Inhalte nicht mehr eindimensional verbreiten. Vielmehr bereiten sie die Infor- tionen in den Newsrooms für verschiedene Vertriebskanäle auf. Den Unternehmen wiederum steht sel...
Von der Facebook-Revolution bis zur Info-Atomisierung: Wie können sich Menschen in einer zunehmend zersplitterten und überfluteten Kommunikationswelt überhaupt noch miteinander verständigen? Und welche Chancen und Potenziale ergeben sich aus diesem Umbruch? Im SignsBook diskutieren prominente Marketing- und Kommunikationsexperten, wie die Zukunft der Kommunikation angesichts zunehmender Veränderungen aussehen wird und wie sie aktiv gestaltet werden kann. Neben dem Wandel in der täglichen (Medi...
Dieses Buch zeigt, wie Unternehmen in Transformationsprozessen mithilfe eines Background-Personality-Managements interne Widerstände überwinden und die Veränderungsbereitschaft steigern können. Die Background Personality ist die Persönlichkeitsstruktur, die Organisationen oder Unternehmen mit ihren individuellen Merkmalen prägt, sich verfestigt und damit zu einem Motivations- oder Demotivationsfaktor werden kann. Aber: Durch eine professionelle und agile Herangehensweise kann man sie aktiv gesta...
Dieses Buch erklärt, wie modernes Reputationsmanagement von Unternehmen und Organisationen erfolgreich und nachhaltig gestaltet werden kann – insbesondere in volatilen Zeiten des digitalen und gesellschaftlichen Wandels. Emotionale Aspekte und vor allem die Frage, wofür ein Unternehmen steht und eintritt, spielen eine immer wichtigere Rolle – zum Beispiel bei der Kaufentscheidung des Kunden. Die Reputation eines Unternehmens als immaterieller Vermögenswert bestimmt damit maßgeblich den Erfolg...
In Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional, social marketing pioneer Deirdre Breakenridge teaches and demonstrates the eight new skills and mindsets PR/marketing pros need to build brands and engage customers in a social world. This concise, action-oriented book shows practitioners how to systematically expand their roles, improve their processes, and sharpen their strategies to engage with today’s more sophisticated and socialized customers. Drawing on her...
In the Internet Age, horizontal value chains generated by peer-to-peer relationships have to be integrated in economic vertical processes. This means that all institutions, from the economical to the political, to the cultural or technological have to turn their approach into a 'social' one. This doesn't mean embracing a no-profit perspective: indeed it implies designing new trust and engagement strategies to generate positive win-win situations with stakeholders. Through the tools offered by so...
What do Apple, Patagonia, Virgin and Slow Food have in common? Why do millions of people identify with Nike and idolize Ferrari cars? Why are some brands simply fads that emerge suddenly and then disappear as quickly, while others become part of a lifestyle and are never forgotten? Antonio Marazza, General Manager of Landor Milan, and Stefania Saviolo, Professor at Bocconi University, investigate the reasons why some brands are adopted by people not for what they do, or what they stand for, but...
Managing Conflict in the Family Business (A Family Business Publication)
by K. Rhodes and D. Lansky
Managing conflict is a challenge in any business setting and yet when managed correctly, some conflicts can actually be beneficial. But knowing how to leverage conflict into an advantage is not always so immediately clear and this is particularly true within family businesses. That's because the dynamics that can produce conflict within a family simultaneously intersect with the challenges of owning and operating a business, potentially complicating both. This book will identify Family Business...
Successful Events Management in a Week (Iaw)
by Naomi Langford-Wood and Brian Salter
Free Publicity for Your Business in a Week (In a Week S.)
by Guy Clapperton
Written from an insider's perspective, this book is aimed principally at small business managers and sole traders who wish to use the media to get attention for their business without spending vast sums of money on unnecessary PR agencies. It covers the full spectrum of handling journalists and media organizations, from writing press releases, responding to journalist feedback, understanding how the press works and finally what to do if it all goes wrong and you are misinterpreted. There are als...
The relationships between investors, directors and companies have never been so vital, or so confusing. Gone are the days when being a non-executive director (NED) meant an agreeable lunch and when CEOs wanted them to meet investors 'over my dead body'. Even the most admired companies can be engulfed in scandal and the NEDs find themselves having to drive through fundamental changes. The corporate environment is full of pitfalls for unwary boards. And there are plenty of headline stories of dire...
Auditing Your Customer Service (Marketing for Managers S.)
by John Leppard and Elizabeth Molyneux
By asking the questions "what is customer service?" and "why is it important?", this book leads the reader through the strategies, techniques, problems and solutions that are involved in achieving good customer service. The topics it covers include: benchmarking; quality control; customer segmentation; data collection; servicing; and communication. With frameworks to test your position now, the book shows you how to implement and sustain new strategies. The author has also published "How to Sell...
The history of public relations has long been presented in a corporatist Anglo-American framework. The National Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices series is the first to offer an authentic world-wide view of the history of public relations freed from those influences. The series will feature six books, five of which cover continental and regional groups including (Book 1) Asia and Australasia, (Book 2) Eastern Europe and Russia, (Book 3) Middle East and Africa, (B...
AIDS and Business (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies, #41)
by Saskia Faulk and Jean-Claude Usunier
The spread of HIV/AIDS affects businesses in all sectors, all industries and all countries. For companies and organizations everywhere, the question is no longer whether to take action on HIV/AIDS but which actions to take. Complete with an impressive collection of complex background and research on HIV/AIDS and a foreword by Dr. Peter Piot, former Executive Director of UNAIDS, this volume collects case studies of managers worldwide faced with challenging HIV/AIDS-related management decisions. A...
Der gute Ruf eines Unternehmens ist nicht auf das Ergebnis von Image-Kampagnen zu beschränken, sondern fordert das Unternehmen als Ganzes in den Dialog mit seinen internen und externen Stakeholdern zu treten. Ausgewiesene Experten zeigen, dass ein ganzheitlich im Unternehmen verankertes Reputation Management Vertrauen aufbaut und Reputation langfristig unverzichtbar ist für die Wertschöpfung einer Organisation.
PR Cases: Writing Winning Proposals shows readers how to develop successful public relations plans and allows them to apply their skills in ten diverse, real-world cases. Information is presented from the perspective of those who review public relations plans, so it shows specifically what plan reviewers want to see in a plan and how they want the information presented.
Public Relations: From Theory to Practiceprovides a solid theoretical foundation for the public relations field through a unique theory-to-practice presentation and a variety of case study contexts. This practical book examines a range of theories–from functional, cultural, rhetorical, and critical to feminist, postmodern, and alternative–in a variety of contexts compiled from the submissions of nearly thirty professors. As the only current "theory-focu...
International and Intercultural Public Relations
by Michael Parkinson and Daradirek "Gee" Ekachai
International and Intercultural Public Relations provides a format for analyzing public relations campaigns and then applies it in 19 case studies written by public relations scholars. This text uses both the case method and an analysis of public relations campaigns to help students learn to apply concepts of planning, research, and international or intercultural communication to the field of public relations.