Henry E. Sigerist (1891-1957) gilt als der bedeutendste Medizinhistoriker seiner Zeit und war ein Gelehrter von ausserordentlicher Vielseitigkeit. 50 Jahre nach seinem Tod ist er noch immer Gegenstand zahlreicher Arbeiten. Wahrend seiner Lebensphasen in Zurich, Leipzig, Baltimore und wieder in der Schweiz hat er mit etwa 300 Korrespondenten Briefwechsel gefuhrt. Der groesste Teil der Briefe an Sigerist und die Kopien seiner eigenen Briefe sind in Archiven erhalten. Dieser Band enthalt die vier B...
This remarkable book provides an account of the history of Ireland like we've never seen before. Told through the prism of the lives of twenty-one extraordinary women, it offers an alternative vision of Irish history, one that puts the spotlight on women whose contributions have been forgotten or overlooked. From the oldest woman in Ireland, whose bones were found beneath the Poulnabrone dolmen, to the modern-day founder of a 3D printing company, this book introduces us to amazing women whose s...
“A volume brimming with humanitarian lessons in medicine and life alike.” —Kirkus Reviews "A generous, compassionate book about what it is to be human and what it is to care. Paul Seward writes in language so clear and compelling you can see straight through it and into the beating heart beneath." —Kate Cole–Adams, author of Anesthesia Drawing on a career launched in the first days of the specialty of emergency medicine, Dr. Paul Seward takes the reader with him into the ER in his riveting me...
A National Jewish Book Award-winning biography: A look at the early years of Israel's statehood, experienced through the life of a pioneering nurse.During her extraordinary career, nurse Raquela Prywes was a witness to history. She delivered babies in a Holocaust refugee camp and on the Israeli frontier. She crossed minefields to aid injured soldiers in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and organized hospitals to save the lives of those fighting the 1967 Six-Day War. Along the way, her own life was a se...
A Fortunate Woman is a compelling, thoughtful and insightful look at the life and work of a country doctor. Funny, moving and not afraid of the dark, it will speak to readers everywhere.In 1966 John Berger spent three months shadowing an English country GP, John Sassall. Sassall is a fortunate man - his work occupies and fulfils him, he lives amongst the patients he treats, the line between his life and his work is happily blurred. In A Fortunate Man, Berger's text and the photography of Jean Mo...