Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Lux brings us a deliciously dark story shared from the voice of eleven-year-old, Roger Knightley. Before our story ends, he will have to face his fears and use his wit if he and his family want to survive. The story has a rather large cast of characters and references many a book and lore. With its atmospheric tone and villainous characters you are quickly pulled into the story.

The living cast of characters are easy enough to keep track of. We’ve got family members, staff and unwanted guests,  but the family tree and those of the supernatural realm made my head spin. I wish the book had a reference guide. I recommend writing them down as you hear a name or their nicknames. Don’t let this deter you though because Lux takes us on quite the journey as Roger tries to keep his cousin Havelock (Lockie) from harm. His cousin Travers and his valet Bellows assist Rogers throughout the story. Travers lives at Deadmarsh full-time and Bellows is a former boxer. Kip, the family cat is an important part of the story, but alas spoilers dear reader.

What I can tell you is that there is a curse of sorts on the Havelock family and it has something to do with the heir turning eleven. The mist appears to be alive and the servants have left. When, Roger arrives expecting good times with his cousins thing have changed.  For a start he finds Travers, dressed like a Duchess and behaving oddly. Worse, his cousin Lockie bring with him his schoolmaster and he acts as if they are strangers. Worse yet, they have moved him into a damp, dreadfully dark bedchamber.

It took me the better part of a week to devour Deadmarsh Fey, as I tried to unravel the secrets of Deadmarsh and determine who was friend or foe. While engaging and filled with colorful characters living, dead and other, it is a story that demands one’s full attention.

The setting itself added to the tale with the unrelenting mist, rundown condition of the gardens and decay,  The woods and moor that surrounded the property are dark, damp and full of secrets. Lux has a vivid imagination and I could feel the cold manor floor and dampness seeping into Roger’s bedchamber. Without spoilers I will tell you we slip between the veil and see a glimpse of what was.

I loved the tension created by Lockie’s approaching birthday and the encounters with strange creatures and the dreaded Blood Wood. I’ve always feared the fae and Lux reminded me why. We encounter many twisted creatures and demons. I loved how the author brought them to life. It honestly gave me goosebumps.

Roger was a clever boy, well versed in books as I imagine a lonely young boy of this era would be. He was quick to piece things together and trusted his gut even when he wanted to give up. I enjoyed his transformation in the book as his confidence grew.

Dark bogs, fairy circles and dragons await you in this engaging quest. The tale wrapped up nicely with some reveals and twists. I am curious to see what the next book will bring. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 14 October, 2018: Reviewed