Reviewed by littleread1 on

4 of 5 stars

​Blood Twist ​picks up immediately where ​Fate Fixed​ ends. If you have not read ​Fate Fixed,​ this review may contain some spoilers.

In Fate Fixed we follow Lexie through her meeting and binding to Torin, learning what he and is family are, and finding her place in their world. ​Blood Twist​ follows her best friend Liz while she tries to help clean up the mess caused by the werewolves, and along the way falls for Braden.

This book was very similar to the first, but in a way I didn't mind. It was very sweet, and made my heart happy to be back in Erris, loving all these creatures again. I must admit I was at first disappointed when I realized I would not be sticking with Lexie and Torin, after having fallen in love with their story. But I got over that disappointment quickly, when I realized Braden and Liz were going to be just as sweet, vulnerable, and exciting as their friends.

The religious suggestions were not as noticeable in this installment, but were still there. And like the first book, Wheeler switches POV's from Liz, to Braden, to Death. Of course, just like Wolf in the first book, you are not sure until near the end who Death is. She does a good job keeping you guessing; giving you enough of a hint so you think you know who he is, then leaving you questioning yourself.

Braden and Liz's road to romance is sweet, and hesitant, and fraught with danger. Just how I like it. :-) And with the way ​Blood Twist​ ended, I have no clue who's story she is going to tell in the next installment, ​Soul Kissed​, expected for release in early 2013.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 24 November, 2012: Reviewed