Death Magic by Eileen Wilks

Death Magic (A Novel of the Lupi, #8)

by Eileen Wilks

Recovering from an attempt on his life by an FBI traitor, Lily Yu's boss forms a ghost unity that will operate in secret-and outside the law. Lily's conscience won't let her join. Her fiancé, lupi Rule Turner, has no such reservations. But when a senator is killed, Lily's decision becomes a matter of life and death-and all the magic in between.

Reviewed by Melanie on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

I really love this series and I think it just keeps getting better and better. This book is full of excitement and changes in the plot. There were several things that I did not see coming (won't mention what, so there will be no spoilers).

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  • Started reading
  • 9 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 9 November, 2011: Reviewed