Cats React to Science Facts by Izzi Howell

Cats React to Science Facts

by Izzi Howell


Share in the wonderment of science with a crew of crazy cats and measure your amazement, awe and disgust alongside their furry feline faces!

Like every topic, science becomes more interesting when cats are involved. Cats React to Science Facts is an engaging and fun way to understand the world of science. It's just purrfect! A vast cast of feline friends take us on a tour of the core areas of science from outer space and the human body, to forces and materials. Bitesize text, fun photos, diagrams, dollops of humour and a react-o-meter all help to make science memorable and fun to learn.

This book is a great gift for cat lovers and science students aged 7 and beyond, covering key science topics in a unique way.

If you want more paw-some science facts, why not try the next book in the series, Cats React to Outer Space Facts?

Reviewed by Nicole Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

This was surprisingly really good! I enjoyed all the funny cat photos throughout & don’t believe they take away from the topics being presented. There was some cat humor sprinkled throughout too which I appreciated & I’m sure younger readers would appreciate as well. The flow of topics was really well done and I felt like I was able to smoothly transition to the next chapter/topic. This is seemed so important to this type of book & I’m so glad it was done well! Also, I found myself learning a few new things from the facts in this book too!! Overall an enjoyable, easy to read fact book filled with beautiful hi res photos to go with the information being presented. Perfect for science or STEM fans as well as cat fans or maybe even meme fans ;)

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  • Started reading
  • 6 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 6 August, 2020: Reviewed