Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Sunny Kennedy is determined to prove to her over-protective brothers and father that she can solve a case just as well as they can. But when they find she's working a cold case involving the murder of a retired colleague's daughter, they decide to insist that she work with a partner. It doesn't matter if Sunny doesn't want the partner, they only way they'll let her continue with the case is if she agrees to work with hot, almost out the door, detective Judson Blackwolf.

The last thing Judson needs is to be involved with another stubborn woman who resists his attempts to protect her. But he figures he owes his mentor to try and find out what happened to his murdered daughter.

Sunny and Judon are cute together. They rub each other the wrong way, but it's in a way that's like foreplay to them. They bickering, arguing and ultimately see the other person as someone that can't live without. They each have to get over their prejudices in order to get to that happily ever after place (and some require an intervention to get there) but ultimately it takes compromises and understanding on both of their parts to get their HEA.

The mystery around the cold case was perfectly interwoven into the romance between Sunny and Judson. While it may not have been a total surprise when we discovered who killed Karina, it was well written and suspenseful enough to keep your interest.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 15 April, 2012: Reviewed