Fearless Gardening: Be Bold, Break the Rules and Grow What You Love by Loree Bohl

Fearless Gardening: Be Bold, Break the Rules and Grow What You Love

by Loree Bohl

Too often gardening advice comes in the form of rules: do this, don’t do that, buy this, don’t buy that, plant this, don’t plant that. But this kind of guidance can stifle cre­ativity and personal expression, resulting in gardens that feel impersonal and generic.

With Fearless Gardening, Loree Bohl - founder of the popular blog The Danger Garden, has written a call to arms that urges home gardeners to grow what they love. Readers will discover advice on gardening outside their zone, shopping for unique plants, and taking risks in gar­den design. They will also find tips on how to discover their personal style and expand their plant palette. Bohl profiles exemplary gardens from across North America that showcase each gardener's unique taste and style and will inspire home gardeners to discover their own.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader. https://nonstopreaderbooks.blogspot.com/2020/12/fearless-gardening-be-bold-break-rules.html

Fearless Gardening is a really useful and somewhat profound book on gardening philosophy and design by Loree Bohl. Due out 5th Jan 2021 from Workman Publishing on their Timber Press imprint, it's 256 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.

All gardeners are familiar with the feelings of "but I can't (plant that there, grow that in this climate, plant those together, use this plant in this soil, etc)". The author presents a number of expository essays arranged thematically that, more or less, "yes you can and yes you should" (and here's how to do it). The technical/theory parts of the book are interwoven with profiles of unconventional gardeners gardening to the beats of their own drummers. The stories are inspiring and filled me with a desire to get into my garden and start digging (not really an option in late December).

There are a number of useful appendices included: plant lists, resources for further reading, gardens to visit (with private gardens delineated with a "P"), suppliers lists (aimed at North American readers), and a cross-referenced index.

The photography throughout is superlative - clear and easy to understand. This is an inspiring book with humor, wit, style, and useful relevant technical expertise. It would make a superlative gift, library acquisition, or for a garden club or school library.

Five stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 December, 2020: Finished reading
  • 31 December, 2020: Reviewed