Today's businesses have an obligation to conduct themselves in an ethical and responsible manner at all times. Fortunately, many businesses have historically embraced the idea that they can operate in an ethically & responsible manner. However, there are way too many companies that are willing to cut corners and do whatever it takes to make a profit, thus contributing to the vortex of mistrust, distrust, misinformation, disinformation and less than full disclosures as a result of their unethical misconduct. This book takes the position that 'enough is enough' and argues that all businesses can and must be ethically responsible no matter its size or whether it operates locally or globally. The book describes the features of an ethically responsible (e.g., ethical and socially responsible) organization that is committed to always "doing the right things" which means they are committed to building, institutionalizing and sustaining an ethically oriented organizational culture. Ethical responsibility means maintaining —even improving— your bottom line, while setting a high bar for high ethical standards AND making a positive contribution to society. The book argues that organizations must be attentive to ensuring that the culture has as its core accountability, responsibility, and learning which means it invests in developing and expecting all of its employees to be fully engaged in making ethical decisions and being ethical leaders. The book also discusses what it means to be an ethically responsible global business, leader, middle manager, and lower level employee.

The Ethically Responsible Organization provides a detailed look at the importance of organizations doing preventive work to avoid ethical falls or scandals and takes the position that if such a fall or scandal occurs then the company should seize the moment and learn from the experience by becoming a learning organization. The book also takes the position that an ethically responsible organization is already a learning organization where continuous inquiry, diagnosis, reflection, learning and self-correction is the keystone of the way it operates. Finally, the book offers some ideas on how organizations can reinforce and sustain themselves as ethically responsible businesses today and in the future by taking a strategic approach to ethics that includes constant and consistent ethics training and education for all its employees and partners. In the end, the purpose of the book is to continue to increase our understanding of why organizations stray from "doing the right things" and how a focus on being ethically responsible can position companies to avoid or quickly respond to any potential ethical misconduct or find themselves in the list of the years' top ethical scandals. This book is written for all those who also take the stance that 'enough is enough' when it comes to the headlines of another failure because the organization's leaders would not commit to being ethically responsible and find themselves in the throes of an ethical scandal and unable to recover from it – and like "Humpty Dumpty, all the kings horses and all the kings men the company can't recover from what was a preventable ethical fall.

The rapidly transforming environment that we live in has made human resource development (HRD) all the more necessary for the success of today's organizations. HRD initiatives help their organizations by developing employees who assist their organizations in not only surviving, but thriving in our increasingly global world. Today's best practice or benchmarked organizations and their HRD professionals continue to recognize the importance of employee learning, knowledge, skills and motivation to organizational success. This recognition increasingly opens many doors as organizational leaders accept the fact that HRD initiatives can be used to ensure that organization members have what it takes to successfully meet the demands that confront them and their organizations.

This book takes the position that HRD can demonstrate how their initiatives help to develop a superior workforce so that the organization and its individual employees can accomplish their strategic and operational goals in service to their clients or customers. This book is written with the belief that HRD professionals have many opportunities to learn, change and find ways both in and outside of the workplace to contribute to the development of learning organizations as we move further into the 21st century. A major point of this book is that HRD will continue to become more and more important to organizational success when one considers the increased responsibilities HRD professionals have taken on during and post- the COVID pandemic.

The primary audience for this book is practicing HRM and HRD professionals, and other organizational leaders. The book provides proven ideas important to demonstrating the value of HRD. From a practical viewpoint, it is based on actual experience, a strong research base, and accepted practices presented in an easy to read form. A second target audience is students of HRD and HRM who are preparing for careers in this important field. This book will help them develop a solid foundation to the study of HRD practices or initiatives that are key to HRD success regardless of the type of organization. A third target audience is managers or leaders at all levels of an organization who are expected to take on a number of HRD responsibilities (e.g., as trainers, coaches, mentors, change agents, and so on) while regularly partnering with HRD professionals. It offers these individuals a firsthand look at what they should expect of their HRD functions or areas and how they can effectively work with HRD professionals in their organizations to achieve the organizations strategic goals by getting the most out of its human people.