Comprehensive coverage ensures that this is the only book needed by students choosing either the Beauty Therapy or the Spa Specialist route through their award. Highly illustrated with complete coverage of basic science. Includes step-by-step photographs for every procedure to help students learn the skills they need. Activities and knowledge tests will enable students to check their progress as they proceed through the award.

This bestselling Candidate Handbook has been completely revised and updated in line with the 2004 standards. It covers everything required for the Beauty Therapy and the make-up route of the Level 2 programme. The manicure and pedicure units are also fully covered. Specially-commissioned step-by-step photographs illustrate every procedure candidates need to learn. 'Your skin' covers skin types, skin personalities, skin and the ageing process, skin and the environment and nutrition and skin. The risk assessment tables featured in each unit ensure that students understand this new requirement. What your assessor is looking for' includes a multiple choice section to give students practice in this assessment technique.

Ideas and suggestions for how to use the activities within the file. References to the essential knowledge and understanding on each activity enables you to track students progression through the course. A range of practical worksheets assists the collection of portfolio evidence. Case studies with questions address issues that naturally occur in a salon environment.