A Pony for Keeps

by Jeanne Betancourt

Published 1 January 1995
Make friends with the Pony Pals. Anna's in trouble - she's doing badly at school and her parents think she's spending too much time with her pony, Acorn. They say that if her grades don't improve then they'll take Acorn away. The Pony Pals are devastated. Can Anna face up to her problems and ensure Acorn really is a pony for keeps?

Make friends with the Pony Pals. Lulu knows that Snow White isn't really her pony - she belongs to Rema, who is a way at school. But when the holidays arrive, Rem comes home and tells Lulu she can't ride on Snow White any more. Is this is the end of the Pony Pals Rema's rude and bossy, but maybe there's away of making her change her mind...

Perdue Dans Les Bois

by Jeanne Betancourt

Published 1 January 1996

Eclair Est Malade

by Jeanne Betancourt

Published 1 January 1995