Swatt Architects

by Michael Webb

Published 1 January 1999
Swatt Architects is an award-winning San Francisco Bay Area firm known for fusing a modernist sensibility with the particular challenges of California landscapes to create a unique spaces for living. The firm has been recognised internationally for creating distinctive, livable, modern architecture that emphasises the creative use of structure, elegant detailing that expresses the nature of materials, and spatial continuity and transparency that expands interior space and blurs the distinctionn between indoors and outdoors. This new publication documents the firm's most significant residential design work and examines in detail its individual approach to house design.

Wayne L. Good Architect

by Michael Webb

Published 1 January 1999
Wayne Good's houses are widely recognised for the skill with which he composes each client's unique vision into an exquisite architectural portrait of their personal dreams, memories, personality and spirit of place.