Book 12

All About Rugs

by Vanessa Britton

Published 16 September 1999
All About Rugs is a practical guide to when, why and how to rug a horse and which rug to choose. It will provide invaluable for all horse owners who wish to familiarise themselves with, and make the most of, the vast choice of rugs now available. The book examines all aspects of rugs and rugging - discussing when to rug and which rug is best for the individual horse whether he be stabled or grass-kept - the horse's own coat and clipped horse. Traditional and modern rugs are covered in detail and the section on rug accessories helps to demystify the differences between items such as surcingles and rollers, fly veils and hoods and many other items. The author also gives solutions to many of the rugging problems commonly experienced. The importance of correct fitting and the use of rugs is emphasised and ensures that both new and more experienced owners are able to keep their horse comfortable and happy.