At Your Best as a Painter

by Juan Carosso

Published 20 November 2018
The only series of step-by-step guides to succeeding in the skilled trades and achieving the American dream.

At Your Best as a Painter is your playbook for learning if a career as a painter is right for you, progressing from pre-apprentice to journeyman to master painter, and launching your own small business. Learn:
  • What does a career as a painter look like?
  • Why should you consider becoming a painter?
  • How do you become a successful craftsman as a painter?
  • How much can you make as a painter?
  • What are your career options once you become a painter?
  • How long does it take to be successful at each stage in a painter's career?
  • How and where do you find work as a painter?
  • What does it take to strike out on your own?
  • What does it take to launch and build a successful small business?

    At Your Best is the only step-by-step handbook to finding if a career in the trades is right for you, educating yourself and earning the proper certifications, establishing yourself as an excellent apprentice and journeyman in the industry, and moving on to start your own small business in the trades. At each step of the way, your At Your Best playbook provides the information, recommendations, outside resources, and concrete actions needed for taking the next successful step in You, Inc. Whether you are beginning your first career, changing careers, or ready to move up and start your own business as a carpenter, plumber, HVAC/R tech, or other tradesman, this is the book that will tell you how.

    There are currently over 6.5 million unfilled jobs in the skilled trades in the US. Despite being well-paying and secure, these jobs remain open because enough qualified candidates with the skills, attitude, and experience required do not exist. Moreover, plenty of opportunity exists for established tradespeople to start their own business, but they have no guidance. The At Your Best Playbooks changes that.

At Your Best as a Plumber

by Juan Carosso

Published 20 November 2018
The only series of step-by-step guides to succeeding in the skilled trades and achieving the American dream.

At Your Best as a Plumber is your playbook for learning if a career as a plumber is right for you, progressing from pre-apprentice to journeyman to master plumber, and launching your own small business. Learn:
  • What does a career as a plumber look like?
  • Why should you consider becoming a plumber?
  • How do you become a successful craftsman as a plumber?
  • How much can you make as a plumber?
  • What are your career options once you become a plumber?
  • How long does it take to be successful at each stage in a plumber's career?
  • How and where do you find work as a plumber?
  • What does it take to strike out on your own?
  • What does it take to launch and build a successful small business?

    At Your Best is the only step-by-step handbook to finding if a career in the trades is right for you, educating yourself and earning the proper certifications, establishing yourself as an excellent apprentice and journeyman in the industry, and moving on to start your own small business in the trades. At each step of the way, your At Your Best playbook provides the information, recommendations, outside resources, and concrete actions needed for taking the next successful step in You, Inc. Whether you are beginning your first career, changing careers, or ready to move up and start your own business as a carpenter, plumber, HVAC/R tech, or other tradesman, this is the book that will tell you how.

    There are currently over 6.5 million unfilled jobs in the skilled trades in the US. Despite being well-paying and secure, these jobs remain open because enough qualified candidates with the skills, attitude, and experience required do not exist. Moreover, plenty of opportunity exists for established tradespeople to start their own business, but they have no guidance. The At Your Best Playbooks series changes that.

At Your Best as a Welder

by Juan Carosso

Published 20 November 2018
The only series of step-by-step guides to succeeding in the skilled trades and achieving the American dream.

At Your Best as a Welder is your playbook for learning if a career as a welder is right for you, progressing from pre-apprentice to journeyman to master welder, and launching your own small business. Learn:
  • What does a career as a welder look like?
  • Why should you consider becoming a welder?
  • How do you become a successful craftsman as a welder?
  • How much can you make as a welder?
  • What are your career options once you become a welder?
  • How long does it take to be successful at each stage in a welder’s career?
  • How and where do you find work as a welder?
  • What does it take to strike out on your own?
  • What does it take to launch and build a successful small business?

    At Your Best is the only step-by-step handbook to finding if a career in the trades is right for you, educating yourself and earning the proper certifications, establishing yourself as an excellent apprentice and journeyman in the industry, and moving on to start your own small business in the trades. At each step of the way, your At Your Best playbook provides the information, recommendations, outside resources, and concrete actions needed for taking the next successful step in You, Inc. Whether you are beginning your first career, changing careers, or ready to move up and start your own business as a carpenter, plumber, HVAC/R tech, or other tradesman, this is the book that will tell you how.

    There are currently over 6.5 million unfilled jobs in the skilled trades in the US. Despite being well-paying and secure, these jobs remain open because enough qualified candidates with the skills, attitude, and experience required do not exist. Moreover, plenty of opportunity exists for established tradespeople to start their own business, but they have no guidance. The At Your Best Playbooks series changes that.

At Your Best Como Carpintero

by Juan Carosso

Published 27 November 2018
La unica serie de guias paso a paso para tener exito en los oficios especializados y lograr el Sueno Americano.

At Your Best Como Carpintero es su libro de jugadas (su Playbook) para aprender si una carrera como carpintero es lo adecuado para usted, pasando de ser un aprendiz previo a ser un "journeyman" a ser un carpintero maestro y lanzar su propia pequena empresa. Aprender:
  • ?Como es una carrera de carpintero?
  • ?Como convertirse en un artesano exitoso como carpintero?
  • ?Cuanto se puede hacer como un carpintero?
  • ?Cuales son sus opciones de carrera una vez que se convierte en un carpintero?
  • ?Cuanto tiempo se necesita para tener exito en cada etapa de la carrera de un carpintero?
  • ?Como y donde encontrar trabajo como carpintero?
  • ?Cuales son las acciones especificas y concretas que se pueden tomar para convertirse en un empleado valioso?
  • ?Que se necesita para lanzarte por tu cuenta?
  • ?Que ? como minimo ? se necesita para poner en marcha y construir un pequeno negocio exitoso?

    At Your Best es el unico libro de jugadas paso a paso para descubrir si una carrera en los oficios es adecuada para usted, educandose y obteniendo las certificaciones adecuadas, estableciendose como un excelente aprendiz y "journeyman" en la industria, y avanzando hacia iniciar su propia pequena empresa. En cada paso del camino, At Your Best y proporciona la informacion, recomendaciones, recursos externos y acciones concretas necesarias para dar el siguiente paso exitoso en You, Inc. Ya sea que este comenzando su primera carrera, cambiando de carrera o listo para avanzar. y comience su propio negocio como carpintero, fontanero, tecnico de HVAC/R o otro comerciante, este es el libro que le dira como hacerlo.

    Actualmente, hay mas de 6.5 millones de empleos sin cubrir en los oficios calificados en los Estados Unidos. A pesar de ser bien pagados y seguros, estos trabajos permanecen abiertos porque no existen suficientes candidatos calificados con las habilidades, la actitud y la experiencia requeridas. Ademas, existen muchas oportunidades para que los comerciantes establecidos inicien su propio negocio, pero no tienen orientacion. La serie At Your Best Playbooks y cambia eso.

  • At Your Best as an HVAC/R Tech

    by Juan Carosso

    Published 20 November 2018
    The only series of step-by-step guides to succeeding in the skilled trades and achieving the American dream.

    At Your Best as an HVAC/R Tech is your playbook for learning if a career as an electrician is right for you, progressing from pre-apprentice to journeyman to master technician, and launching your own small business. Learn:
    • What does a career as an HVAC/R tech look like?
    • Why should you consider becoming an HVAC/R tech?
    • How do you become a successful craftsman as an HVAC/R tech?
    • How much can you make as an HVAC/R tech?
    • What are your career options once you become an HVAC/R tech?
    • How long does it take to be successful at each stage in a HVAC/R tech's career?
    • How and where do you find work as an HVAC/R tech?
    • What does it take to strike out on your own?
    • What does it take to launch and build a successful small business?

      At Your Best is the only step-by-step handbook to finding if a career in the trades is right for you, educating yourself and earning the proper certifications, establishing yourself as an excellent apprentice and journeyman in the industry, and moving on to start your own small business in the trades. At each step of the way, your At Your Best playbook provides the information, recommendations, outside resources, and concrete actions needed for taking the next successful step in You, Inc. Whether you are beginning your first career, changing careers, or ready to move up and start your own business as a carpenter, plumber, HVAC/R tech, or other tradesman, this is the book that will tell you how.

      There currently over 6.5 million unfilled jobs in the skilled trades in the US. Despite being well-paying and secure, these jobs remain open because enough qualified candidates with the skills, attitude, and experience required do not exist. Moreover, plenty of opportunity exists for established tradespeople to start their own business, but they have no guidance. The At Your Best Playbooks series changes that.

    At Your Best as an Electrician

    by Juan Carosso

    Published 20 November 2018
    The only series of step-by-step guides to succeeding in the skilled trades and achieving the American dream.

    At Your Best as an Electrician is your playbook for learning if a career as an electrician is right for you, progressing from pre-apprentice to journeyman to master electrician, and launching your own small business. Learn:
    • What does a career as an electrician look like?
    • Why should you consider becoming an electrician?
    • How do you become a successful craftsman as an electrician?
    • How much can you make as an electrician?
    • What are your career options once you become an electrician?
    • How long does it take to be successful at each stage in a electrician's career?
    • How and where do you find work as an electrician?
    • What does it take to strike out on your own?
    • What does it take to launch and build a successful small business?

      At Your Best is the only step-by-step handbook to finding if a career in the trades is right for you, educating yourself and earning the proper certifications, establishing yourself as an excellent apprentice and journeyman in the industry, and moving on to start your own small business in the trades. At each step of the way, your At Your Best playbook provides the information, recommendations, outside resources, and concrete actions needed for taking the next successful step in You, Inc. Whether you are beginning your first career, changing careers, or ready to move up and start your own business as a carpenter, plumber, HVAC/R tech, or other tradesman, this is the book that will tell you how.

      There currently over 6.5 million unfilled jobs in the skilled trades in the US. Despite being well-paying and secure, these jobs remain open because enough qualified candidates with the skills, attitude, and experience required do not exist. Moreover, plenty of opportunity exists for established tradespeople to start their own business, but they have no guidance. The At Your Best Playbooks series changes that.

    At Your Best as a Mason

    by Juan Carosso

    Published 20 November 2018
    The only series of step-by-step guides to succeeding in the skilled trades and achieving the American dream.

    At Your Best as a Mason is your playbook for learning if a career as a mason is right for you, progressing from pre-apprentice to journeyman to master mason, and launching your own small business. Learn:
    • What does a career as a mason look like?
    • Why should you consider becoming a mason?
    • How do you become a successful craftsman as a mason?
    • How much can you make as a mason?
    • What are your career options once you become a mason?
    • How long does it take to be successful at each stage in a mason's career?
    • How and where do you find work as a mason?
    • What does it take to strike out on your own?
    • What does it take to launch and build a successful small business?

      At Your Best is the only step-by-step handbook to finding if a career in the trades is right for you, educating yourself and earning the proper certifications, establishing yourself as an excellent apprentice and journeyman in the industry, and moving on to start your own small business in the trades. At each step of the way, your At Your Best playbook provides the information, recommendations, outside resources, and concrete actions needed for taking the next successful step in You, Inc. Whether you are beginning your first career, changing careers, or ready to move up and start your own business as a carpenter, plumber, HVAC/R tech, or other tradesman, this is the book that will tell you how.

      There are currently over 6.5 million unfilled jobs in the skilled trades in the US. Despite being well-paying and secure, these jobs remain open because enough qualified candidates with the skills, attitude, and experience required do not exist. Moreover, plenty of opportunity exists for established tradespeople to start their own business, but they have no guidance. The At Your Best Playbooks series changes that.

    At Your Best as a Carpenter

    by Juan Carosso

    Published 20 November 2018
    The only series of step-by-step guides to succeeding in the skilled trades and achieving the American dream.

    At Your Best as a Carpenter is your playbook for learning if a career as a carpenter is right for you, progressing from pre-apprentice to journeyman to master carpenter, and launching your own small business. Learn:
    • What does a career as a carpenter look like?
    • Why should you consider becoming a carpenter?
    • How do you become a successful craftsman as a carpenter?
    • How much can you make as a carpenter?
    • What are your career options once you become a carpenter?
    • How long does it take to be successful at each stage in a carpenter’s career?
    • How and where do you find work as a carpenter?
    • What does it take to strike out on your own?
    • What does it take to launch and build a successful small business?

      At Your Best is the only step-by-step handbook to finding if a career in the trades is right for you, educating yourself and earning the proper certifications, establishing yourself as an excellent apprentice and journeyman in the industry, and moving on to start your own small business in the trades. At each step of the way, your At Your Best playbook provides the information, recommendations, outside resources, and concrete actions needed for taking the next successful step in You, Inc. Whether you are beginning your first career, changing careers, or ready to move up and start your own business as a carpenter, plumber, HVAC/R tech, or other tradesman, this is the book that will tell you how.

      There are currently over 6.5 million unfilled jobs in the skilled trades in the US. Despite being well-paying and secure, these jobs remain open because enough qualified candidates with the skills, attitude, and experience required do not exist. Moreover, plenty of opportunity exists for established tradespeople to start their own business, but they have no guidance. The At Your Best Playbooks series changes that.