Book 64

The principal aim in writing this book has been to provide an intro duction, barely more, to some aspects of Fourier series and related topics in which a liberal use is made of modem techniques and which guides the reader toward some of the problems of current interest in harmonic analysis generally. The use of modem concepts and techniques is, in fact, as wide spread as is deemed to be compatible with the desire that the book shall be useful to senior undergraduates and beginning graduate students, for whom it may perhaps serve as preparation for Rudin's Harmonic Analysis on Groups and the promised second volume of Hewitt and Ross's Abstract Harmonic Analysis. The emphasis on modem techniques and outlook has affected not only the type of arguments favored, but also to a considerable extent the choice of material. Above all, it has led to a minimal treatment of pointwise con vergence and summability: as is argued in Chapter 1, Fourier series are not necessarily seen in their best or most natural role through pointwise-tinted spectacles. Moreover, the famous treatises by Zygmund and by Baryon trigonometric series cover these aspects in great detail, wl:tile leaving some gaps in the presentation of the modern viewpoint; the same is true of the more elementary account given by Tolstov. Likewise, and again for reasons discussed in Chapter 1, trigonometric series in general form no part of the program attempted.

Book 85

Fourier Series

by R E Edwards

Published 31 October 1979
appear in Volume 1, a Roman numeral "I" has been prefixed as a reminder to the reader; thus, for example, "I, B.2.1 " refers to Appendix B.2.1 in Volume 1. An understanding of the main topics discussed in this book does not, I hope, hinge upon repeated consultation of the items listed in the bibli ography. Readers with a limited aim should find strictly necessary only an occasional reference to a few of the book listed. The remaining items, and especially the numerous research papers mentioned, are listed as an aid to those readers who wish to pursue the subject beyond the limits reached in this book; such readers must be prepared to make the very considerable effort called for in making an acquaintance with current research literature. A few of the research papers listed cover devel opments that came to my notice too late for mention in the main text. For this reason, any attempted summary in the main text of the current standing of a research problem should be supplemented by an examin ation of the bibliography and by scrutiny of the usual review literature."