Materials Research with Ion Beams

Published 29 October 1992
Due to new technological progress in the development of ion
sources and accelerators interesting kinds of beams are now
available. They open new fields for materials research with
ion beams. The present status and future possibilities of
these research activities are described by experts on this
field in the form of review articles. The papers presented
in the book focus on very different aspects ranging from the
field of truly appliedresearch to the field of fundamental
atomic research investigating interaction mechanisms of
slow, highly charged particles with surfaces.
The book is intended to provide a source of information
about recent developments in basic research for the
physicists about the status ofthe input of their work into
applied materials science. In addition, also other well
established techniques, such as Rutherford backscattering
analysis and their use in materials research such as of HTC
are described. The reader of this book will benefit from its
broad view over the various methods of materilas research
with ion beams.