Poesia Portatil / Flash Poetry
1 total work
A pesar de ser considerado uno de los poetas más importantes del siglo XX, Cavafis nunca publicó en vida y solo distribuía sus versos entre un círculo reducido de amigos. Esta selección es representativa de una vocación a la que se entregó desde muy joven con rigor y exigencia, una obra breve y minuciosa que despertó la admiración de grandes poetas de la talla de T.S. Eliot o Jaime Gil de Biedma. El amor homosexual -a veces sólo implícito pero cargado de sensualidad y erotismo- marca sus versos, así como la evocación de la antigüedad clásica.
An anthology by the most important Greek poet of the 20th century, a song against forbidden desires, and an ode to classic myths. Even though he was considered one of the most important poets of the 20th century, Cavafis never published his works, he would only distribute them throughout a very reduced circle of friends.
This selection, published after his death, is representative of a vocation to which he gave himself to wholeheartedly from a young age with discipline and self-restraint; it is a brief and meticulous work that aroused the admiration of great poets like T.S. Eliot and Jaime Gil de Biedma. In his verses, we will find homosexual love, sometimes only implicit but full of sensuality and sexual desires, as well as the recall of classical antiqueness.