Experts predict that children of divorce are fated to be unlucky in love, as divorce can shatter a young person's beliefs about the sanctity of marriage. In addition, maintaining healthy relationships with both parents may seem completely out of reach to children of divorcees. In Children of Divorce author Elisabeth Joy LaMotte offers a brighter future, providing readers with five essential steps for building and maintaining meaningful relationships and proves the experts wrong. She tackles issu...
Les erreurs courantes commises par les nouveaux couples et comment les éviter
by Bah Slama
An essential guide to help children become more aware of their emotional needs. This book examines a range of everyday topics that might give children’s minds difficulties, for example: when parents don’t seem to understand us; when we fall out with friends; when school feels boring or difficult; when we’re too busy and get overwhelmed; when our phones create trouble; when we feel sad, bored, anxious or fed up with things. As an atlas to a child’s mind, we explore a range of common scenarios e...
The Ultimate Guide to Building a Healthy and Fulfilling Marriage
by W. Austin Gardner
Examines the choices involved in teenage marriage, as well as the joys, problems, expectations, and implications. Presents case studies for and against teenage marriage.
Same-Sex Marriage (Current Controversies (Paperback)) (Current Controversies (Hardcover))
Matthew Whyman draws on letters and interviews with teenagers who have been through the heartache of their parents' divorce. He offers advice on how to cope - from the first realisation that things are seriously wrong, to dealing with the upheaval of the split, and life in a divided family. The book also includes detailed advice on help organisations and legal matters. Previously published as 'Torn in Two'.
111 Sugerencias para novios y recién casados (111 Sugerencias)
by Miguel Ángel Núñez
The Warmth of Love (The Warmth of Love, #1)
by Muhammet şener