The book offers a definitive study of the development of Kant's conception of the highest good, from his earliest work, to his dying days. Insole argues that Kant believes in God, but that Kant is not a Christian, and that this opens up an important and neglected dimension of Western Philosophy. Kant is not a Christian, because he cannot accept Christianity's traditional claims about the relationship between divine action, grace, human freedom and happiness. Christian theologians who continue...
Bibliographie Analytique de La Priere Grecque Et Romaine (Recherches Sur Les Rhetoriques Religieuses, #1)
by Bernard Stenuit
Der Misnatraktat Berakhoth (Kleine Texte Fur Vorlesungen Und UEbungen, #59)
The Perspective of Resurrection (Religion in Philosophy and Theology, #106)
by Petr Gallus
For the Christian faith as well as its theology, the Easter confession of resurrection has always been the fundamental idea. Starting from this elemental perspective and following the notions of internal realism, semiotics and the postmodern paradigm, Petr Gallus reconstructs the central theological locus of Christology as ontological Christology. In so doing, the author examines the traditional Chalcedonian Christology, as well as many Christological concepts of the last decades, following it c...
Die Pastoralbriefe und das Vermachtnis des Paulus (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, #476)
by Jens Herzer
Der Band versammelt Aufsatze von Jens Herzer, die in den letzten 20 Jahren im Zuge der Kommentierungsarbeit an den Pastoralbriefen entstanden sind. Sie behandeln neben forschungsgeschichtlichen Problemstellungen insbesondere die Frage der Relation zum Corpus Paulinum bzw. zur Paulustradition. Daruber hinaus wird anhand von Studien zu sprachlichen, inhaltlichen und historischen Aspekten aufgezeigt, dass das seit dem 19. Jh. etablierte Paradigma eines pseudonymen literarischen Corpus Pastorale nic...
This volume presents contributions of the Catholic-Lutheran International Conference held at the Pontifical Athenaeum of St. Anselm in Rome in 2016. The scholars were invited to reflect together on the questions of forgiveness, conversion and penance in the context of the ecumenical dialogue that has been going on since the Second Vatican Council. Precisely because stemming from a deep rethinking of God's forgiveness, the movement that began half a millennium ago has borne diverse fruits in diff...
Der deutsche Protestantismus und die soziale Frage 1870 - 1919 (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte)
by Erkki Ilmari Kouri
Die seit 1925 erscheinenden Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte bilden eine der traditionsreichsten historischen Buchreihen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie enthalten Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte des Christentums aller Epochen, veroeffentlichen aber auch Arbeiten aus verwandten Disziplinen wie beispielsweise der Archaologie, Kunstgeschichte oder Literaturwissenschaft. Kennzeichnend fur die Reihe ist der durchgangige Anspruch, historisch-methodische Prazision mit systematischen Kontextu...
Addresses one of the most difficult aspects of the doctrine - the heterogeneity of the biblical and traditional material from which it is derived - and points to the areas where church must act to recover the sense of the immediacy of the Holy Spirit.
Divine Action and the Human Mind (Current Issues in Theology)
by Sarah Lane Ritchie
Is the human mind uniquely nonphysical or even spiritual, such that divine intentions can meet physical realities? As scholars in science and religion have spent decades attempting to identify a 'causal joint' between God and the natural world, human consciousness has been often privileged as just such a locus of divine-human interaction. However, this intuitively dualistic move is both out of step with contemporary science and theologically insufficient. By discarding the God-nature model impli...
Theology of Pope Benedict XVI
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster
What does it really mean, to know God? What are the grounds for knowing God, what feeds that knowledge, and what is really known? In his search for answers to these questions, in two panels the author paints for us a clear picture of what Calvin and Barth had to say about knowing God: Calvin against the background of pre-modern culture, Barth in response to a post-Kantian culture inclined to agnosticism. Between them, like a hinge between the two panels, we find the philosophy of Kant. The two e...
This book aims to create a Christian theology of wisdom for the present day, in discussion with two sets of conversation-partners. The first are writers of the 'wisdom literature' in ancient Israel and the Jewish community in Alexandria. Here, special attention is given to the biblical books of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes. The second conversation-partners are philosophers and thinkers of the late-modern age, among them Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas, Julia Kristeva, Paul Ricoeur, and Hann...
Dieser Sonderband beinhaltet die Vortraege von 26 Theologinnen und Theologen aus 12 verschiedenen Laendern, die sich zu einer einwoechigen Internationalen Sommerschule an der Universitaet Regensburg versammelten, um darueber nachzudenken, wie sich Mission und friedliche Koexistenz miteinander vereinbaren lassen. Eine zu beobachtende Zunahme nationalistischer und fundamentalistischer Stroemungen in vielen asiatischen Laendern, in denen Christen weitgehend Minderheiten darstellen, aber auch einige...
Anlasslich des 800. Geburtstages der heiligen Elisabeth von Thuringen wurde 2007 in Marburg ein wissenschaftliches Symposion durchgefuhrt, das Elisabeths karitatives Wirken in den Kontext der grossen religioesen Bewegungen jener Zeit stellte. Die Subjektivierung der Froemmigkeit, die von den grossen Reformorden ausging, erfasste um 1200 nachhaltig auch die Laiengesellschaft. Vor allem Frauen drangten nach Teilhabe am religioesen Leben und strebten eine moeglichst radikale Nachfolge Christi an. E...
Seeing Jesus as He Really Is takes you on a journey through the Gospels and along the way, you'll see how Jesus really lived, how He radically changed the world, and how Jesus is portrayed through the word of God.Seeing Jesus as He Really Is will help every reader know how to answer the questions that Jesus asked His disciples, "Whom do men say that I am" and "Who do you say that I am?"Chapters include: Jesus and His Methods; The Sweet Presence of Jesus; The Name of Jesus; Called to Do the Works...
Hans W. Frei (1922-1988) was one of the most influential American theologians of his generation. Early in his career he drew attention to the importance of biblical narratives, he helped make Karl Barth once again a creative voice in contemporary theology, and he served as a model of what his colleague, George Lindbeck, has called "postliberal theology." This volume collects ten of Frei's lectures and essays, half of them never before published. Addressing audiences of theologians, biblical scho...