Comics traffic in stereotypes, which can translate into real danger, as was the case when, in 2015, two Muslim gunmen opened fire at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, which had published depictions of Islam and Muhammad perceived by many to be blasphemous. As a response to that tragedy, Ken Koltun-Fromm calls for us to expand our moral imaginations through readings of graphic religious narratives. Utilizing a range of comic books and graphic novels, including R. Crumb's Book of Genesis Illustrated,...
Ratified by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993 and expanded in 2018, "Towards a Global Ethic (An Initial Declaration)," or the Global Ethic, expresses the minimal set of principles shared by people—religious or not. Though it is a secular document, the Global Ethic emerged after months of collaborative, interreligious dialogue dedicated to identifying a common ethical framework. This volume tests and contests the claim that the Global Ethic’s ethical directives can be found in the w...
Despite the command from Christ to love your neighbour, Western Christianity has continued to be afflicted by the evil of racism and the acts of violence that accompany it. Through a systems theoretical and deconstructive account of religion and the political theology of St. Paul, this book traces how the racism and violence of modern Western Christianity is a symptom of its failure to secure its own myth of sovereignty within a complex world of plurality. Divided into three sections, the book...
Responsibility as Emmanuel Levinas's Mission to the Gentiles
by John Turner Kilzer
Christian Ethics in Secular Cultures (World of Theology, #2)
by Thomas K Johnson
Der Heidelberger Theologe Richard Rothe hat in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts in seinem Hauptwerk Theologische Ethik den Versuch unternommen, seinem System christlicher Theologie eine von schelling'schen Pramissen ausgehende Identitatstheorie durch Scheidung der endlichen Wirklichkeit von der sie bedingenden Ursache unter Ausschaltung pantheistischer Konsequenzen zugrunde zu legen. Die Arbeit versucht nachzuweisen, dass es Rothe insbesondere durch eine konsequente geschichtliche Verortung der Sp...
Forschungen zur systematischen und Akumenischen Theologie
by Christoph Klein
Zwischen dem westlichen GebetsverstAndnis als "GesprAch mit Gott" und der ostkirchlichen Gebetspraxis als "Verbindung oder Einheit mit Gott" besteht eine Kluft. In zehn Kapiteln untersucht Klein die Probleme des Betens und des betenden Menschen sowie die Quelle des Gebets und die Frage nach dem Gott, zu dem gebetet, und der Welt, in der gebetet wird. Er zeigt Weisen, Typen, Wege und Praktiken des Gebets auf. Jedes Kapitel besteht aus drei Abschnitten: der Darstellung der Problematik zunAchst aus...
The world we engage with is a vibrant collage brought to consciousness by language and our creative imagination. It is through the symbolic forms of language that the human world of value is revealed-this is where religious scholar Michael Fishbane dwells in his latest contribution to Jewish thought. In Fragile Finitude, Fishbane clears new ground for a theological life through a novel reinterpretation of the Book of Job. On this basis, he offers a contemporary engagement with the four classic...
The Ethics of Death: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives in Dialogue
by Lloyd Steffen and Dennis R Cooley
Ethik Der Liebe (Kleine Schriften Des Fachbereichs Evangelische Theologie der, #8)
by Lukas Ohly
Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Vincent Du Mans, Ordre de Saint Benoit. Premier Cartulaire, 572-1188
by Hannezo-J
The Common Good and Christian Ethics (New Studies in Christian Ethics)
by David Hollenbach
The Common Good and Christian Ethics rethinks the ancient tradition of the common good in a way that addresses contemporary social divisions, both urban and global. David Hollenbach draws on social analysis, moral philosophy, and theological ethics to chart new directions in both urban life and global society. He argues that the division between the middle class and the poor in major cities and the challenges of globalisation require a new commitment to the common good and that both believers an...