Psychosoziale Beratung Im Spannungsfeld Von Gesellschaft, Institution, Profession Und Individuum
Beratung kann eine effektive ProblemlAsung fA"r Klienten nicht garantieren a auch wenn sie professionell und methodisch sauber vonstattengeht. Zu viele Faktoren nehmen Einfluss, die beachtet werden sollten. Beratungen finden immer in einer Gemengelage unterschiedlichster EinflA"sse statt: Gesellschaftliche und gesetzliche Rahmungen, institutionelle Regeln, curriculare Aspekte und nicht zuletzt subjektive Einstellungen der Berater wie auch der Klienten haben Auswirkungen auf jeden Beratungsprozes...
"By one of the 20th century's great psychological and social thinkers, a pocket-sized collection on the importance of disobedience and the authentic voice of the individual"--
Free Will and Consciousness
This volume is aimed at readers who wish to move beyond debates about the existence of free will and the efficacy of consciousness and closer to appreciating how free will and consciousness might operate. It draws from philosophy and psychology, the two fields that have grappled most fundamentally with these issues. In this wide-ranging volume, the contributors explore such issues as how free will is connected to rational choice, planning, and self-control; roles for consciousness in decision...
Bullying and Racist Bullying in Schools, What ARE We Missing?
by Sairah Qureshi
La Picard a del Venezolano O El Triunfo de T o Conejo
by Axel Capriles M
Emotion, Character, and Responsibility
This collection of essays explores why emotions are important in our conception of a person's character and in our own conception of self. Chapter topics include caring, loyalty, sincerity, shame, guilt, embarrassment and self-deception. The text is intended for clinicians, social psychologists interested in the study of emotion and interested general readers.
Kontinuitaten und Diskontinuitaten im Bezug auf Arbeit, Freizeit und Reisen anhand der Gastebefragung im Robinson Club Fleesensee
by Antje Heubel
Pioneering a hermeneutic methodology for analyses of global governance, this is the first monograph that makes Hans-Georg Gadamer’s and Paul Ricœur’s hermeneutic philosophy relevant for global politics research. Drawing on the concept of "horizon" as the element that captures the dynamics of understanding in social interaction in order to analyse processes of international politics, this book shows that what is required is the embeddedness of meanings and ideas in human action and reflection. By...
Dialectic Of The Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov And Creative Soviet Marxism (Historical Materialism)
Levant and Oittinen provide a window into the subterranean tradition of 'creative' Soviet Marxism, which developed on the margins of the Soviet academe and remains largely outside Western contemporary theory. With his 'activity approach', E.V. Ilyenkov, Soviet Marxism's principal figure in the post-Stalin period, makes a substantial contribution toward an anti-reductionist Marxist theory of the subject, which will be of interest to contemporary theorists who seek to avoid economic and cultural r...
This volume provides an overview of recent research on the nature, causes, and consequences of cognitive consistency. In 21 chapters, leading scholars address the pivotal role of consistency principles at various levels of social information processing, ranging from micro-level to macro-level processes. The book's scope encompasses mental representation, processing fluency and motivational fit, implicit social cognition, thinking and reasoning, decision making and choice, and interpersonal proce...
Improve Your Emotional Intelligence - Communicate Better, Achieve More, Be Happier: Teach Yourself
by Christine Wilding
Biological and Cultural Bases of Human Inference addresses the interface between social science and cognitive science. In this volume, Viale and colleagues explore which human social cognitive powers evolve naturally and which are influenced by culture. Updating the debate between innatism and culturalism regarding human cognitive abilities, this book represents a much-needed articulation of these diverse bases of cognition. Chapters throughout the book provide social science and philosophical...