The best-selling author of Flow and an award-winning sociologist draw on a unique longitudinal study to reveal how adolescents develop attitudes, skills, and expectations about their adult careers.. How do young people envision their occupational futures? What do teenagers feel about their schooling and after-school work, and how do these experiences affect their passage to adult work? These are the questions that psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and sociologist Barbara Schneider posed in t...
Understanding, Diagnosing, and Treating ADHD in Children and Adolescents
Das Ziel der Studie lag darin, zu untersuchen, ob Heilpadagogisches Voltigieren auf das Koerperbild, verschiedenste Persoenlichkeitsvariablen (wie z.B. AEngstlichkeit) sowie auf die Befindlichkeit von anorektischen Frauen eine positive Wirkung hat. Es wurde eine Pra-Post-Studie mit einer Versuchs- und einer Kontrollgruppe durchgefuhrt. Als Messinstrumente wurden sieben standardisierte und zwei selbst konzipierte Tests herangezogen. Insgesamt nahmen sechzig anorektische Frauen an der Untersuchung...
Although violence in schools has increased dramatically in recent years, little has been written about violence among girls. Sibylle Artz' studies show that this disturbing phenomenon must be understood in the context of other gender issues and the girls' own sense of powerlessness. Here, in six gripping case studies, she explores the experiences of violent school girls, giving us a fascinating glimpse into their troubled world as well as a clear impetus for social action.
"Warning Signs provides practical methods to reduce harm to and by children. Doctors Johnson and Berdahl present the most common risk factors and warning signs, along with practical parenting advice and strategies for raising strong, safe kids and protecting them from becoming either perpetrators or victims. They explain how the "old" risk factors--child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, sexual assault, and poverty--have been compounded by new ones in the past 20 years, such as violent media...
Teen Stress and Anxiety (Teen Mental Health)
by Jason Porterfield
Religious Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence (Seabury Paperback, Sp 53)
by Ronald Goldman
Vygotsky in 21st Century Society
Vygotsky in Twenty-first Century Society is an ensemble of novel perspectives about the legacy of Lev Vygotsky and Alexander Luria. The book illustrates how well the legacy of their work is being applied and continued in contemporary research, and how cultural historical theory has been constructed and re-constructed. Together, these collected essays inform a broader discussion of how a developmentally-oriented cultural paradigm can guide learning and teaching in social and educational policy an...
Concept Development in the Secondary School (Psychology Revivals)
by Peter Langford
This book introduces the reader to work on the intellectual development of adolescents relevant to the secondary school teacher.
Raumerleben Und Raumutopie (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #370)
by Rosa Quint
Okologische Psychologie, an phanomenologischen Untersuchungen zu den Raum- und Dingqualitaten abhangig vom erlebenden Subjekt orientiert, stellt in den Mittelpunkt ihres Forschungsinteresses die konkrete Alltagsumwelt. Mit der Rekonstruktion topographischer Wunschvorstellungen will die Analyse und Interpretation der Zeichnungen Jugendlicher weniger den idealtypischen Lernort Schule entwerfen, als Bausteine einer befriedigenden Lebenswelt aufzeigen."
My Life as a Male Anorexic is a uniquely male point of view of anorexia nervosa. It is the autobiographical account of a young man's ongoing struggle with anorexia. Michael shared his story as part of the featured health segment "Men Dying to be Thin" on WSVN Channel 7 News in Miami, Florida, in May 1997.Michael Krasnow has had anorexia since 1984, and he chronicles his daily struggles, feelings, and experiences in this book. He writes in a relaxed, easygoing manner that makes the book appealing...