Incluyendo relatos que se dirigen a lo más profundo de nosotros y producto de una década de trabajo con niños moribundos de diversas edades, esta obra nos cautiva por su enorme serenidad y realismo. Si logramos ventilar la atmósfera deprimente y desprendernos del temor reverencial que todos sentimos por ese compañero cotidiano que es la muerte, más aprenderemos sobre la vida.
Classical Feng Shui for Wealth and Abundance
by Master Denise Liotta Dennis
Unlock your full wealth potential using the ancient wisdom of classical Feng Shui. Written by a Feng Shui master, this book delivers authentic techniques and closely held secrets for leveraging success with money, careers, relationships, health, and all aspects of life. Unlike the over-simplified Western school of Feng Shui, you'll find genuine, wealth-building formulas practiced by highly-trained masters, as well as today's successful business moguls. These easy-to-follow, powerful techniques a...
Nine-ki astrology is linked with the feng shui system and this book aims to show how readers can use these energies the make important decisions in their lives. He describes how this energy changes over time and under different times.
Price-Forecasting Models for Brookfield Property Partners L BPY Stock (John Maynard Keynes)
by Ton Viet Ta
Contrary to popular manuals, this book approaches fengshui from an academic angle, focusing on its significance in China, but also depicting the recent history of its reinterpretation in the West. It includes a historical account of fengshui over the last 150 years with anthropological fieldwork on contemporary practices in two Chinese rural areas. The author argues that fengshui serves as an alternative tradition of cosmological knowledge to explain a range of everyday occurrences in rural area...
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese philosophy which helps create harmony between ourselves and our surroundings. It is the art of arranging space so that it allows the free flow of chi, the earth's natural energy, and supports the needs of the individual. Rapheal Simons, a feng shui master, offers simple, step-by-step instructions on how to arrange your living and working space. In the first section of the book, he explains the basic feng shui principles and how to use them, emphasizing the import...