This single volume covers all the topics typically taught in a two-year music theory course. In addition to numerous self-tests and examples, musical illustrations with commentaries, coverage of late 19th and 20th-century developments and a companion workbook, this updated edition includes a cassette with many of the text's musical examples; new exercises, summaries and self-tests; and an expanded supplements package. A study guide (0-07-034882-6) and an enhanced instructor's manual (0-07-035881...
Through a musical language involving symbols, numbers, and tonality, J. S. Bach created emotional dimension in the preludes and fugues of ""The Well-Tempered Clavier"". This book explores the use of that musical language, revealing how Bach used harmonic design and melodic and rhythmic motivic formulas to adhere to the basic doctrine of the Theory of Affects - i.e., that one mood will govern one piece. The book examines the significance of key and the emotional dimension Bach discerned in each t...
Popular Music and the New Auteur
Movies have never been the same since MTV. While the classic symphonic film score promised direct insight into a character's mind, the expanded role of popular music has made more ambiguous the question of when, if ever, we are allowed to see or share a character's emotions. As a result, the potential for irony and ambiguity has multiplied exponentially, and characterization and narrative capacities have fragmented. At the most basic level, this new aesthetic has required filmgoers to renegotiat...
Code De Musique Pratique, Ou Methodes. (Facsimile 1760 Edition).
by Jean Philippe Rameau
Artistic Citizenship
by David Elliott, Marissa Silverman, and Wayne Bowman
This first-of-its-kind compendium unites perspectives from artists, scholars, arts educators, policymakers and activists to investigate the complex system of values surrounding artistic-educational endeavors. Addressing a range of artistic domains, ranging from music and dance, to visual arts and storytelling, contributors offer an exploration and criticism of the conventions that govern our interactions with these practices. Artistic Citizenship focuses the responsibilities, and functions of am...
For Stacy Horn, regardless of what is going on in the world or her life, singing in an amateur choir - the Choral Society of Grace Church in New York - never fails to take her to a place where hope reigns and everything good is possible. She's not particularly religious, and her voice is not exceptional (so she says), but like the 32.5 million other chorus members throughout this country, singing makes her happy. Horn brings us along as she sings some of the greatest music humanity has ever prod...
Keys to Successful Music Lessons (Barron's parenting keys)
by Nikki Landre